首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection >An atypical case of neurosarcoidosis presenting with neovascular glaucoma

An atypical case of neurosarcoidosis presenting with neovascular glaucoma




Background Sarcoidosis, a multisystem, granulomatous disorder, sometimes manifests with a neuro-ophthalmic subtype. The latter can pose a diagnostic challenge, especially when ocular symptoms appear before systemic involvement, as the clinical picture then can be non-specific and systemic laboratory and standard imaging investigations can be negative. Findings A 71-year-old woman presented with a 4-month history of sudden-onset visual loss in the left eye. Slit lamp examination revealed anterior chamber cells, iris, and angle neovascularization. Fundoscopy showed a pale edematous optic nerve head surrounded with intraretinal hemorrhages and yellow retinal infiltrates. The vasculature was very narrow to absent. Indeed, fluorescein angiography filling was limited to the (juxta-)papillary region. An extensive systemic work-up revealed a monoclonal gammopathy and absence of any inflammatory markers. On MRI, a mass infiltration of the intraorbital and the intracranial optic nerve was visible. Additional PET-CT scan revealed hilar lymph nodes. A transbronchial biopsy demonstrating a non-caseating granulomatous lesion led to the diagnosis of sarcoidosis and thus neurosarcoidosis. Treatment with high-dose prednisone and azathioprine was started to avoid progression and subsequent visual loss in the other eye. Conclusions A patient with neurosarcoidosis presenting with compressive ischemic optic disc edema and neovascular glaucoma is described, increasing the diversity of clinical presentations and confirming the diagnostic challenge of neurosarcoidosis.
机译:背景结节病是一种多系统肉芽肿性疾病,有时表现为神经眼科亚型。后者可能带来诊断上的挑战,尤其是在全身受累之前出现眼部症状时,因为临床表现可能是非特异性的,而全身实验室和标准影像学检查可能是阴性的。调查结果一名71岁的女性左眼突然出现视力丧失已有4个月的病史。裂隙灯检查显示前房细胞,虹膜和新血管形成角。眼底镜检查发现水肿的视神经乳头苍白,周围有视网膜内出血和黄色的视网膜浸润。脉管系统非常狭窄至不存在。的确,荧光素血管造影术的填充仅限于(乳头状)乳头状区域。广泛的全身检查显示存在单克隆丙种球蛋白病,并且没有任何炎症标记。 MRI可见眶内和颅内视神经大量浸润。另外的PET-CT扫描显示肺门淋巴结。经支气管活检证实为非干酪性肉芽肿性病变,可诊断结节病,进而诊断神经结节病。开始用大剂量泼尼松和硫唑嘌呤治疗以避免另一只眼睛的进展和随后的视力丧失。结论描述了患有压缩性缺血性视盘水肿和新生血管性青光眼的神经结节病患者,增加了临床表现的多样性并证实了神经结节病的诊断挑战。



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