首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection >Anterior segment optical coherence tomography and retained vegetal intraocular foreign body masquerading as chronic anterior uveitis

Anterior segment optical coherence tomography and retained vegetal intraocular foreign body masquerading as chronic anterior uveitis




The purpose of this single case report was to report the use of anterior segment optical coherence tomography for the diagnosis and management of a retained vegetal intraocular foreign body. A 23-year-old otherwise healthy male presented with a progressive vision loss in the right eye (RE). He reported a mild ocular trauma with a tree leaf 1?year ago followed by recurrent episodes of redness and pain in the RE that partially resolved after a self-medication with topical steroids. Visual acuity of the RE was limited to light perception. Slit-lamp examination of the RE showed an iris granuloma with overlying exudate and associated anterior chamber inflammatory reaction. Film X-rays, contact B-scan ultrasonography, and CT scan showed no abnormalities. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography revealed an enclaved iris foreign body. The foreign body was removed after a short course of local antibio-corticosteroid therapy. This was followed 2?months later by cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation, with subsequent improvement of visual acuity to 20/40. A missed intraocular foreign body can lead to sight-threatening complications. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography may be useful for detecting non-clinically evident intraocular foreign body involving the anterior segment masquerading as chronic anterior uveitis.
机译:该单例报告的目的是报告前段光学相干断层扫描在诊断和处理保留的植物眼内异物中的应用。一名23岁健康的男性,右眼(RE)出现进行性视力减退。他报道了1年前1棵树叶引起的轻度眼外伤,随后是RE反复出现红肿和疼痛,并在局部用类固醇自我药物治疗后部分缓解。 RE的视敏度仅限于光感知。 RE的裂隙灯检查显示虹膜肉芽肿伴有渗出液,并伴有前房炎症反应。胶片X射线,B超检查和CT扫描均未见异常。前段光学相干断层扫描显示虹膜异物覆盖。在短暂的局部抗生素类固醇治疗后,异物被清除。随后2个月,进行白内障手术并人工晶状体植入术,随后视力提高到20/40。眼内异物的遗漏会导致威胁视力的并发症。前段光学相干断层扫描技术可用于检测非临床上明显的眼内异物,其涉及伪装成慢性前葡萄膜炎的前段。



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