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Surveying uveitis specialists—a call for consensus




In the early 1990s, former Michigan supreme court Justice Thomas Brennan became disillusioned with popular law school rankings and so decided to survey 100 academics, judges, and lawyers on his own, asking them to rank a list of ten schools he provided. He used a composite index similar in structure, but different in content, to those used by mainstream surveyors, such as U.S. News & World Report. As expected, many of the big name schools—Harvard, Yale, Stanford—made it to the top of the list. Penn State, as Brennan recalled, “[Was] about in the middle of the pack. Maybe fifth among the 10 schools listed.” There was one small problem, however. Penn State had no law school at the time. Brennan had included it to make a point: surveys are limited by both the quality of the questions asked and by how familiar respondents are with the subject being surveyed [1, 2].
机译:在1990年代初,前密歇根州最高法院法官托马斯·布伦南(Thomas Brennan)对通俗法学院的排名感到失望,因此决定自己对100名学者,法官和律师进行调查,要求他们对他所提供的十所学校进行排名。他使用了与美国《新闻与世界报道》等主流调查员使用的结构相似但内容不同的综合索引。不出所料,许多知名学校-哈佛,耶鲁,斯坦福大学-均位居榜首。正如布伦南(Brennan)回忆的那样,宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Penn State)大约在中间。也许在列出的10所学校中排名第五。”但是,有一个小问题。宾夕法尼亚州立大学当时没有法学院。布伦南(Brennan)提出这一点是为了说明问题:调查受到问题质量的限制,也受受访者对被调查主题的熟悉程度的限制[1、2]。



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