首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mineralogical and petrological sciences >Fluid inclusions with high Li/B ratio in a quartz vein from the Besshi area of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt: implications for deep geofluid evolution

Fluid inclusions with high Li/B ratio in a quartz vein from the Besshi area of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt: implications for deep geofluid evolution

机译:桑巴川变质带Besshi地区石英脉中具有高Li / B比的流体包裹体:对深部地球流体演化的影响



A remarkably high Li/B ratio has been recognized from a crush-leached fluid extracted from a foliation-parallel quartz vein, IR27, intercalated with a pelitic schist in the northern proximal to the Western Iratsu body of the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, SW Japan. Thin section observation shows that most quartz grains in the vein are polygonal and rarely show the undulatory extinction. These facts suggest that the quartz grains in the vein could be recrystallized under relatively high-T condition with the stress free environment, and that these fluid inclusions could be trapped during the peak metamorphic stage. Most fluid inclusions in the investigated sample are composed of liquid and vapor. Raman spectroscopy revealed that the liquid phase is aqueous fluid and the vapor is mainly a mixture of CH_(4) and N_(2). Their ice melting temperatures determined by microthermometry, ranging from -3.5 to -7.1 °C, show a striking contrast against the data of the fluid inclusions in later stage veins, ranging from -0.6 to -1.7 °C. However, the homogenization temperatures of IR27 are much lower than the peak metamorphic temperature of the host pelitic schist. The partition coefficients between the host rock and released fluid (D ~(rock/fluid )) calculated from P-T pseudosection show that D _(B )~(rock/fluid ) tends to be higher than D _(L )_(i )~(rock/fluid ) in a pelitic system, because of generally high modes of white mica in pelitic schists. The calculation suggests that the crush-leached fluid obtained from the quartz vein intercalated with the pelitic schist has higher Li/B ratio than fluids of those intercalated with the metabasite.
机译:从日本西南部桑巴川变质带的西入津北部近端北部插有泥质片岩的平行页岩平行石英脉IR27提取的碎滤流体中发现,Li / B比例非常高。薄截面观察表明,脉中的大多数石英晶粒都是多边形的,很少出现起伏消光。这些事实表明,在无应力环境下​​,可以在相对较高的T条件下,使静脉中的石英晶粒重结晶,并且这些流体包裹体可能在变质峰期被捕集。被调查样品中的大多数流体夹杂物均由液体和蒸气组成。拉曼光谱表明,液相是水性流体,蒸气主要是CH_(4)和N_(2)的混合物。通过微热法测定的冰融化温度为-3.5至-7.1°C,与后期静脉中的流体包裹体数据为-0.6至-1.7°C形成了鲜明的对比。但是,IR27的均质化温度远低于宿主胶体片岩的峰值变质温度。由 PT伪截面计算得出的基质岩石与释放流体之间的分配系数(i)D〜(i)岩石/流体)表明 D _( B)〜(岩石/流体)往往高于黄泥质系统中的D _( L)_( i)〜(岩石/流体),因为白云母通常处于高模态。片状片岩。计算结果表明,从石英岩脉中夹有小孔片岩获得的碎裂浸出液的Li / B比要高于那些与偏钾长石夹层的流体。



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