首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Nematology >Diversity of Root-knot Nematodes Associated with Tubers of Yam (Dioscorea spp.) Established Using Isozyme Analysis and Mitochondrial DNA-based Identi?cation

Diversity of Root-knot Nematodes Associated with Tubers of Yam (Dioscorea spp.) Established Using Isozyme Analysis and Mitochondrial DNA-based Identi?cation




The root-knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp., represent an important threat to yam (Dioscorea spp.) production in WestAfrica.WiththeaimtoestablishthediversityofRKNspeciesaffectingyamtubers,forcontrolandresistancescreeningpurposes, surveys were conducted in the main yam producing areas of Nigeria.Galled tubers (N = 48) were collected from farmers’ stores and markets inninestatesin Nigeriaandin onedistrict inGhana.RKNisolated from yamtubers were identi?ed usingenzyme phenotyping (esterase and malate dehydrogenase) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (Nad5) barcoding.Examination of48populations revealed thatyamtuberswereinfestedby Meloidogyne incognita(69%),followedby M.javanica(13%), M.enterolobii (2%), and M.arenaria (2%).Most of the tubers sampled (86%) were infected by a single species, and multiple species of RKN weredetectedin14%ofthesamples.Resultsofbothidenti?cationmethodsrevealedthesamespecies,con?rmingtheiraccuracyforthe identi?cation of these tropical RKN species.In addition to M.incognita, M.javanica, andM.enterolobii, we report for the ?rst timeM.arenaria infecting yam tubers in Nigeria.This ?nding extends the list of yam pests and calls for caution when developing practices for yam pest management.
机译:根结线虫(Medicogyne spp。)对西非的山药(Dioscorea spp。)构成了重要威胁。为了建立影响RKN物种的多样性,为了进行控制和抗药性筛选,在尼日利亚的主要山药生产地区进行了调查(G = 48)。 )是从尼日利亚和加纳的一个州的州立州的农户商店和市场中收集的。使用酶表型(酯酶和苹果酸脱氢酶)和线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的NADH脱氢酶亚基5(Nad5)编码烟酰胺酶,鉴定了从薯类分离的RKN。 (69%),其次是爪哇M.javanica(13%),M.enterolobii(2%)和M.arenaria(2%)。采样的大多数块茎(86%)感染了单个物种和多个物种在14%的样本中检测到RKN。两种鉴定方法的结果都揭示了相同的物种,确认了对这些热带的鉴定的准确性RKN物种。除了隐孢子虫,爪哇爪哇菌和肠球菌之外,我们还首次报告了尼日利亚的月季沙门氏菌感染山药块茎。此发现扩大了山药害虫的范围,并在制定生产方法时提请注意。山药害虫管理。



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