首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering >Effects of variable thermal conductivity on the coupling of conduction and Joule heating with MHD free convection flow along a vertical flat plate

Effects of variable thermal conductivity on the coupling of conduction and Joule heating with MHD free convection flow along a vertical flat plate




The effects of variable thermal conductivity on the coupling of conduction and Joule heating with MHD free convection flow along a vertical flat plate have been described by this present work. With a goal to attain similarity solutions of the problem posed, the developed equations are made dimensionless by using suitable transformations. The non-dimensional equations are then transformed into non-linear equations by introducing a non- similarity transformation. The resulting non-similar equations together with their corresponding boundary conditions based on conduction and convection are solved numerically by using the implicit finite difference method along with Keller-box scheme. Numerical results for the details of the velocity profile, temperature profile, skin friction coefficient and the surface temperature profile are shown both on graphs and tabular form for different values of the set of parameters entering into the problem.DOI: 10.3329/jname.v7i1.4322
机译:这项工作已经描述了可变热导率对沿垂直平板具有MHD自由对流的传导和焦耳加热耦合的影响。为了获得所提出问题的相似性解决方案,通过使用适当的变换使所开发的方程式无量纲。然后通过引入非相似性变换将无量纲方程转换为非线性方程。通过使用隐式有限差分法和Keller-box方案,对所得的非相似方程及其基于传导和对流的相应边界条件进行数值求解。对于涉及问题的参数集的不同值,速度曲线,温度曲线,皮肤摩擦系数和表面温度曲线的细节的数值结果均以图表和表格形式显示。DOI:10.3329 / jname.v7i1。 4322



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