首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Modern Physics >Special Relativity with a Preferred Frame and the Relativity Principle

Special Relativity with a Preferred Frame and the Relativity Principle




The purpose of the present study is to develop a counterpart of the special relativity theory that is consistent with the existence of a preferred frame but, like the standard relativity theory, is based on the relativity principle and the universality of the ( two-way ) speed of light. The synthesis of such seemingly incompatible concepts as the existence of preferred frame and the relativity principle is possible at the expense of the freedom in assigning the one-way speeds of light that exists in special relativity. In the framework developed, a degree of anisotropy of the one-way speed acquires meaning of a characteristic of the really existing anisotropy caused by motion of an inertial frame relative to the preferred frame. The anisotropic special relativity kinematics is developed based on the symmetry principles: 1) Space-time transformations between inertial frames leave the equation of anisotropic light propagation invariant and 2) a set of the transformations possesses a group structure. The Lie group theory apparatus is applied to define groups of transformations between inertial frames. Applying the transformations to the problem of calculating the CMB temperature distribution yields a relation in which the angular dependence coincides with that obtained on the basis of the standard relativity theory but the mean temperature is corrected by the terms second order in the observer velocity.
机译:本研究的目的是开发一种与狭义相对论相对应的理论,该理论与优选框架的存在是一致的,但是与标准相对论一样,它是基于相对论原理和(双向)普遍性的光速。这样的看似不相容的概念的综合,例如优选框架的存在和相对论原理,有可能以分配存在于狭义相对论中的单向光速的自由为代价。在开发的框架中,单向速度的各向异性程度获得了由惯性框架相对于优选框架的运动引起的实际存在的各向异性的特征的含义。各向异性的相对论运动学是建立在对称性原理的基础上的:1)惯性框架之间的时空变换使各向异性光传播方程不变; 2)一组变换具有群结构。李群理论装置被用于定义惯性系之间的变换群。将这些变换应用于计算CMB温度分布的问题,可以得出一种关系,其中角度相关性与根据标准相对论获得的角度相关性一致,但平均温度已通过观测者速度中的二阶项进行了校正。



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