首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Microbiology and Antimicrobials >Microbiological quality and safety of street vended meat sauce in Bahir Dar Town

Microbiological quality and safety of street vended meat sauce in Bahir Dar Town




Street vended foods are readily available sources of meals for many people across the world, the microbial quality and safety of such food is always uncertain. In developing countries, the major sources of food-borne illnesses are street vended foods because they provide a source of affordable nutrients to the majority of the low income groups. The aim of this study was thus to assess the microbiological quality and safety of street vended meat sauce in Bahir Dar Town. A total of 60 samples (30 each inn morning and afternoon) were assessed to reveal indicator bacteria and pathogens from December, 2010 to June, 2011 using standard bacteriological techniques. Mean aerobic mesophilic count of 4.16x104 and 4.71x104 cfu/g were recorded in the morning and afternoon, whereas mean total coliform count and S. aureus were 4.00x104 and 4.53x104 and 3.52x104 and 4.39x104 cfu/g in the morning and afternoon, respectively. Only the count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria was below the recommended limit. The mean microbial loads were significantly different in the morning and afternoon (p < 0.005). Salmonella was detected in all the samples of meat sauce analyzed in the morning and afternoon. The bacteriological analysis of water samples indicate the contamination of water within mean microbial load of 2.67 MPN/100 ml of water, which is beyond the acceptable limit of 2.2 MPN/100 ml of water. The observational checklist of vendors’ appearance and the environment indicates lack of personal and environmental sanitation and gives warning signal for the possible occurrence of foodborne contamination. The study publicized that contamination of street vended meat sauce is a possible health problem to consumers. Proper cooking and storage of processed foods and education of vendors on the environmental sanitation and food handling practices should be recommended.
机译:街头售卖食品是全世界许多人容易获得的餐食来源,此类食品的微生物质量和安全性始终不确定。在发展中国家,食源性疾病的主要来源是街头贩卖食品,因为它们为大多数低收入群体提供了负担得起的营养素。因此,本研究的目的是评估巴希尔达尔镇街头售卖的肉酱的微生物质量和安全性。使用标准细菌学技术,从2010年12月至2011年6月,共评估了60个样本(早晨和下午每个旅馆30个),以揭示指示性细菌和病原体。早晨和下午记录的平均有氧嗜温菌数为4.16x104和4.71x104 cfu / g,而早晨和下午的平均总大肠菌群计数和金黄色葡萄球菌为4.00x104和4.53x104和3.52x104和4.39x104 cfu / g , 分别。仅需氧嗜温细菌的数量低于建议的限制。早晨和下午,平均微生物负荷差异显着(p <0.005)。在上午和下午分析的所有肉酱样品中均检测到沙门氏菌。水样本的细菌学分析表明,平均微生物负荷为2.67 MPN / 100 ml水,这超出了2.2 MPN / 100 ml水的可接受极限。供应商的外观和环境的观察清单表明缺乏个人和环境卫生,并警告了可能发生食源性污染的警告。该研究表明,街头贩卖的肉酱污染对消费者来说可能是健康问题。应该建议适当地加工和存储加工食品,并向供应商提供有关环境卫生和食品处理实践的教育。



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