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Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker-induced immune thrombocytopenia: a case report

机译:血管紧张素II 1型受体阻滞剂诱导的免疫性血小板减少症:一例报告



Introduction The development of thrombocytopenia after a dose increase in losartan and subsequently after switching the patient to valsartan is reported. Case presentation A 61-year-old Caucasian man presented with epistaxis and gingival bleeding of three weeks duration. Laboratory evaluation revealed a hemoglobin level of 144g/L, a leukocyte count of 16.2×109 cells/L (72.51% neutrophils, 20.1% lymphocytes, 6.8% monocytes, 0.4% eosinophils, 0.2% bands), and a platelet count of 15.0×109 cells/L. Flow cytometry of his peripheral blood showed normal CD4:CD8 ratio and no evidence of any lymphoproliferative disorder. A peripheral smear showed decreased platelets with a few areas of clumping. Four weeks before presentation to the emergency room, his losartan dose was increased to 100mg once daily due to continuously elevated blood pressure readings. He had been maintained on losartan 50mg once daily for five years and previous routine laboratory measurements revealed a baseline platelet count of 248.0×109 cells/L. The patient began receiving an oral prednisone taper and his platelet count returned to a stable value of >200×109 cells/L. Because there was no other probable cause, he was thought to have developed immune thrombocytopenia from the increased losartan dose. Losartan was discontinued and one week later he was switched to valsartan 160mg once daily. Forty-seven days after starting valsartan, the patient presented once again to the emergency room with intermittent epistaxis and gingival bleeding while brushing his teeth of two weeks duration. Laboratory measurement revealed a platelet count of 37×109 cells/L. Valsartan was held and another prednisone taper was initiated. The patient’s platelet count recovered upon valsartan discontinuation and in four weeks, his platelet count improved to 214×109 cells/L. Conclusions A 61-year-old Caucasian man developed immune thrombocytopenia after an increase in losartan dose and developed immune thrombocytopenia again after he was switched to valsartan.
机译:前言据报道,氯沙坦剂量增加后以及随后将患者转为缬沙坦后,血小板减少症的发展。病例介绍一名61岁的白人男子出现鼻e​​pi和持续3周的牙龈出血。实验室评估显示血红蛋白水平为144g / L,白细胞计数为16.2×109细胞/L(72.51%的中性粒细胞,20.1%的淋巴细胞,6.8%的单核细胞,0.4%的嗜酸性粒细胞,0.2%的条带)和血小板计数为15.0× 109细胞/升。他外周血的流式细胞仪显示CD4:CD8比率正常,没有任何淋巴细胞增生性疾病的证据。外周涂片显示血小板减少,并有少量结块。出现在急诊室的前四个星期,由于血压读数持续升高,他的氯沙坦剂量增加到每天一次100mg。他每天服用一次氯沙坦50mg维持五年,以前的常规实验室检查显示其血小板基线计数为248.0×109细胞/ L。患者开始接受口服泼尼松锥度治疗,其血小板计数恢复至稳定值> 200×109细胞/ L。由于没有其他可能的原因,因此他被认为是由于氯沙坦剂量的增加导致了免疫性血小板减少症。氯沙坦停药,一周后他每天换一次缬沙坦160mg。开始使用缬沙坦后四十七天,患者再次出现间断性鼻出血和牙龈出血,并在急诊室就诊,刷牙两周。实验室测量显示血小板计数为37×109细胞/ L。举行了缬沙坦治疗,并开始了另一个泼尼松锥度治疗。缬沙坦停用后患者的血小板计数恢复,并且在四周后,他的血小板计数提高到214×109细胞/ L。结论一名61岁的白种人男子在增加氯沙坦剂量后出现了免疫性血小板减少症,而改用缬沙坦后又出现了免疫性血小板减少症。



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