首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Case Reports >Water intoxication presenting as maternal and neonatal seizures: a case report

Water intoxication presenting as maternal and neonatal seizures: a case report




Introduction We present an unusual case of fitting in the mother and newborn child, and the challenges faced in the management of their hyponatraemia due to water intoxication. Case presentation A previously well 37-year-old, primigravid Caucasian woman presented with features mimicking eclampsia during labour. These included confusion, reduced consciousness and seizures but without a significant history of hypertension, proteinuria or other features of pre-eclampsia. Her serum sodium was noted to be low at 111 mmol/litre as was that of her newborn baby. She needed anti-convulsants with subsequent intubation to stop the fitting and was commenced on a hypertonic saline infusion with frequent monitoring of serum sodium. There is a risk of long-term neurological damage from central pontine myelinolysis if the hyponatraemia is corrected too rapidly. Mother and baby went on to make a full recovery without any long-term neurological complications. Conclusion There is little consensus on the treatment of life-threatening hyponatraemia. Previous articles have outlined several possible management strategies as well as their risks. After literature review, an increase in serum sodium concentration of no more than 8–10 mmol/litre in 24 hours is felt to be safe but can be exceeded with extreme caution if life-threatening symptoms do not resolve. Formulae exist to calculate the amount of sodium needed and how much hypertonic intravenous fluid will be required to allow safer correction. We hypothesise the possible causes of hyponatraemia in this patient and underline its similarity in symptom presentation to eclampsia.
机译:简介我们介绍了一种不寻常的情况,该情况适用于母亲和新生婴儿,以及因水中毒而导致的低钠血症管理中所面临的挑战。病例介绍一位先前健康的37岁,初产白人妇女表现出在分娩时模仿子痫的特征。这些包括混乱,意识降低和癫痫发作,但是没有高血压,蛋白尿或先兆子痫的其他特征的明显病史。据称她的血钠与新生婴儿的血钠低至111 mmol / L。她需要抗惊厥药,随后需要插管才能停止安装,并开始高渗盐水输注并经常监测血清钠。如果低钠血症纠正得太快,中央桥脑髓鞘溶解可能会造成长期的神经系统损害。母亲和婴儿继续完全康复,没有任何长期的神经系统并发症。结论对于危及生命的低钠血症的治疗尚无共识。先前的文章概述了几种可能的管理策略及其风险。文献复习后,认为24小时内血清钠浓度增加不超过8-10 mmol / L是安全的,但如果不能解决威胁生命的症状,则应格外小心。存在一些公式可以计算所需的钠量以及需要多少高渗静脉注射液以进行更安全的校正。我们假设该患者低钠血症的可能原因,并强调其症状表现与子痫的相似性。



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