首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Medical Case Reports >Congenital hydrocephalus in an Egyptian baby with trisomy 18: a case report

Congenital hydrocephalus in an Egyptian baby with trisomy 18: a case report




Introduction Trisomy 18 is the second most common autosomal trisomy after Down syndrome (trisomy 21). A variety of anomalies of the central nervous system are observed in cases of trisomy 18. The association between trisomy 18 and congenital hydrocephalus is very rare. Case presentation A 4-month-old male Egyptian baby boy was referred to Assiut University hospital for evaluation of his large-sized head. The initial clinical examination revealed facial dysmorphism including a prominent wide forehead, wide anterior fontanel, bushy eyebrows, synophrosis, small palpebral fissures, ocular hypertelorism, high arched palate, depressed nasal bridge, low-set ears, micrognathia, bilateral clenched hands with over lapping fingers, rocker-bottom feet and penile hypospadius. A computed tomography scan of the patient's head showed a dilatation of all the ventricular systems of the brain that suggested hydrocephalus. A chromosome analysis of his peripheral blood confirmed a trisomy of chromosome 18 (47, XX+18). The hydrocephalus was treated with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt because of the abnormal increase in his head circumference. He was discharged home on nasogastric feeds at the age of 5 months. Despite the advice of the medical team, his parents did not bring him for further follow up. He died at the age of 7 months due to a sudden cardiorespiratory arrest at home. Conclusion Microcephaly is not mandatory for the diagnosis of trisomy 18 syndrome because some cases of trisomy 18 can be associated with other anomalies of the central nervous system, including hydrocephalus. There is no proven explanation for this association, and the management of hydrocephalus in such a situation is not different from the usual course of management.
机译:引言18三体性是仅次于唐氏综合症(21三体性)的第二常染色体三体性。在18号三体症的病例中观察到多种中枢神经系统异常。18号三体症与先天性脑积水之间的关联非常罕见。病例介绍一名4个月大的埃及男婴被送往阿修特大学医院评估其大头。最初的临床检查显示面部畸形,包括突出的前额宽,前font宽,眉毛浓密,滑膜炎,小睑裂,眼眼肌腱病,上颚弓高,鼻梁凹陷,耳朵低位,小白点,双侧握紧的双手和重叠的手手指,摇臂底脚和阴茎下垂。对患者头部进行的计算机断层扫描显示,脑部所有脑室系统扩张,提示脑积水。对其外周血进行的染色体分析证实了18号染色体的三体性(47,XX + 18)。脑积水因头部圆周异常增大而接受了脑室-腹膜分流术治疗。他在5个月大时因鼻胃喂养出院。尽管有医疗队的建议,但他的父母没有带他进行进一步的随访。他因在家中突然发生心肺骤停而去世,享年7个月。结论小头畸形不是18号三体综合征诊断所必须的,因为18号三体综合征的某些病例可能与中枢神经系统的其他异常有关,包括脑积水。这种关联没有得到证实的解释,在这种情况下脑积水的处理与通常的处理没有什么不同。



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