首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Mathematics and Statistics >Fundamental Properties of the Galois Correspondence | Science Publications

Fundamental Properties of the Galois Correspondence | Science Publications




> Problem Statement: Let K is the splitting field of a polynomial f(x) over a field F and αn be the roots of f in K. Let G be embedded as a subgroup of the symmetric group ς. We determined the Galois group G, and the subgroup. Approach: computed some auxiliary polynomials that had roots in K, where the permutation of a set was considered distinct. The Galois Theory was deduced using the primitive element and Splitting theorems. Results: The Galois extension K/L to identity L and its Galois group is a subgroup of G. which was referred to as the main theorem which we proved. Conclusion: Hence the findings suggest the need for computing more auxiliary polynomials that have roots.
机译: > 问题陈述:令K是多项式f(x)在域F上的分裂域,而α n 是f in的根。 K.让G嵌入为对称群ς的子群。我们确定了Galois组G和子组。 方法:计算了一些以K为根的辅助多项式,其中集合的排列被认为是不同的。 Galois理论是使用原始元素和分裂定理推导的。 结果:对身份L的Galois扩展K / L及其Galois群是G.的子群,这被称为我们证明的主要定理。 结论:因此,研究结果表明需要计算更多具有根的辅助多项式。



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