首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Integer Sequences >Abelian Complexity Function of the Tribonacci Word

Abelian Complexity Function of the Tribonacci Word




According to a result of Richomme, Saari and Zamboni, the abelian complexity of the Tribonacci word satisfies ρab(n) ∈ {3, 4, 5, 6, 7} for each n ∈ N. In this paper we derive an automaton that evaluates the function ρab(n) explicitly. The automaton takes the Tribonacci representation of n as its input; therefore, (ρab(n))n∈N is an automatic sequence in a generalized sense. Since our evaluation of ρab(n) uses O(log n) operations, it is fast even for large values of n. Our result also leads to a solution of an open problem proposed by Richomme et al. concerning the characterization of those n for which ρab(n) = c with c belonging to {4, 5, 6, 7}. In addition, we apply the same approach on the 4-bonacci word. In this way we find a description of the abelian complexity of the 4-bonacci word, too.
机译:根据Richomme,Saari和Zamboni的结果,对于每个n∈N,Tribonacci单词的阿贝尔复杂度都满足ρab(n)∈{3,4,5,6,7}。在本文中,我们得出了一个自动机函数ρab(n)明确。自动机将n的Tribonacci表示作为输入。因此,(ρab(n))n∈N是广义上的自动序列。由于我们对ρab(n)的评估使用O(log n)运算,因此即使对于较大的n值,其运算速度也很快。我们的结果还导致了Richomme等人提出的开放问题的解决方案。关于表征ρab(n)= c且c属于{4,5,6,7}的n的特征。另外,我们对4-bonacci单词应用相同的方法。这样,我们也找到了4 Bonacci单词的阿贝尔复杂性的描述。



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