
Fast Foods and their Impact on Health




Eat healthy and live healthy. is one of theessential requirements for long life.Unfortunately, today.s world has been adaptedto a system of consumption of foods which hasseveral adverse effects on health. Lifestylechanges has compelled us so much that one hasso little time to really think what we are eatingis right! Globalisation and urbanisation havegreatly affected one.s eating habits and forcedmany people to consume fancy and highcalorie fast foods, popularly known as .Junkfoods.. Research into the possible healthhazards on consumption of such high caloriefoods has given an insight to avoid them, butunfortunately measures taken are not aseffective as they need to be. Diseases likecoronary artery disease and diabetes mellitushave seen a profound rise in developingcountries and such unhealthy junk foodconsumption is one of the notable factors toits contribution. This global problem ofconsuming junk food on a large scale and itsimpact on health needs emphasis and healtheducation which can greatly contribute to itslimited consumption and switching over tohealthy eating habits for the better living.knowledge highlighting about the eating habits,nutritional aspects, quality of unhealthy foods,their health impact and preventive measuresshould be given to create awareness and renderhealth education for a change towards goodeating practices. Junk food and its impact onhealth have been reviewed from variousresources and have been systematicallypresented, so as to emphasize its ill effects andmeasures to be adapted towards healthy living.



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