首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship >Does university entrepreneurship work in Japan?: a comparison of industry-university research funding and technology transfer activities between the UK and Japan

Does university entrepreneurship work in Japan?: a comparison of industry-university research funding and technology transfer activities between the UK and Japan




Abstract Entrepreneurship in Japanese universities has changed radically over the last 15?years, following the introduction of an equivalent to the Bayh-Dole Act in 1999. However, it is still unclear whether Japanese entrepreneurship is working. There are some publications that focus on the entrepreneurship environment in the early of 2000s by comparing Japan and other countries, but none in the last decade. In this study, we show that the national economic situation and university size are very similar between the UK and Japan. We compare university research funding and intellectual property income, numbers relating to patents, licences granted, and spin-offs between the UK and Japan nationally and between two specific universities. Japanese universities’ entrepreneurship has improved over the past 10?years, and the trend remains positive. However, Japanese universities currently possess, arguably, too many patents and also receive relatively low income from patents, resulting in significant pressure on their budgets. The number of Japanese spin-offs created fell significantly between 2005 and 2010, since when the number has remained at around 50 per year. We expect that Japanese entrepreneurship could improve by implementing a review of patent strategy and technology transfer processes, improvement of technology transfer skills, and governmental activity.
机译:摘要日本大学的创业精神在过去的15年中发生了根本变化,这是在1999年引入了与《拜杜法案》(Bayh-Dole Act)等效的法律之后。但是,目前尚不清楚日本的创业精神是否有效。通过比较日本和其他国家,有些出版物着眼于2000年代初的创业环境,而最近十年则没有。在这项研究中,我们表明英国和日本之间的国民经济状况和大学规模非常相似。我们比较了英国和日本之间以及两所特定大学之间的大学研究经费和知识产权收入,与专利,许可数量和附带利益相关的数字。在过去的10年中,日本大学的企业家精神有所改善,而且这种趋势仍然是积极的。然而,日本大学目前可以说拥有太多专利,并且从专利中获得的收入也相对较低,这给他们的预算带来了巨大压力。自2005年至2010年,日本衍生产品的数量一直保持在每年约50台,此后显着下降。我们希望,通过对专利战略和技术转让流程进行审查,提高技术转让技能以及政府活动,日本的企业家精神将得到改善。



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