首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry >Endodontic treatment of necrosed primary teeth using two different combinations of antibacterial drugs: An in vivo study

Endodontic treatment of necrosed primary teeth using two different combinations of antibacterial drugs: An in vivo study




Aim: This study was conducted to evaluate clinical and radiographic success of endodontic treatment of infected primary teeth using two combinations of antibacterial drugs consisting of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline in one group and ciprofloxacin, ornidazole, and minocycline in the other group. Materials and Methods: The selected 40 teeth were randomly divided into two groups, viz. groups A and B with 20 teeth in each group. In Group A, antibacterial paste containing ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline and in Group B, antibacterial paste containing ciprofloxacin, ornidazole, and minocycline mixed with propylene glycol were used. Medication cavities were filled with antibiotic pastes, depending on the groups followed by Glass Ionomer restorations and stainless steel crown placement. Clinical and radiographic evaluation was carried out at 3, 6, and 12 months intervals. Results: Both the groups showed considerable clinical and radiographic success. There was no statistically significant difference between Group A and B. However, group B showed better results clinically and radiographically compared with group A. Conclusions: Both the antibacterial pastes, i.e., combination of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, and minocycline and ciprofloxacin, ornidazole, and minocycline mixed with propylene glycol have shown good clinical and radiographic success in treating necrotic primary teeth.
机译:目的:这项研究旨在评估使用环丙沙星,甲硝唑和米诺环素的两种抗菌药物组合,一组使用环丙沙星,奥硝唑和米诺环素的两种抗菌药物的牙髓治疗的牙髓治疗的临床和放射学成功率。材料和方法:将选定的40颗牙齿随机分为两组。 A和B组各有20颗牙齿。在A组中,使用包含环丙沙星,甲硝唑和米诺环素的抗菌膏,在B组中,使用包含环丙沙星,奥硝唑和米诺环素与丙二醇混合的抗菌膏。药物腔中填充了抗生素糊剂,具体取决于各组,然后是玻璃离子聚合物修复体和不锈钢牙冠放置。每隔3、6和12个月进行一次临床和影像学评估。结果:两组均显示出相当大的临床和放射学成功。 A组和B组之间没有统计学上的显着差异。但是,B组在临床和影像学上均比A组更好。结论:两种抗菌糊剂,即环丙沙星,甲硝唑和米诺环素的组合和环丙沙星,奥硝唑和米诺环素与丙二醇混合在治疗坏死的乳牙方面显示出良好的临床和放射学成功。



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