首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Science >Critical feeding periods for last instar nymphal and pharate adults of the whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci

Critical feeding periods for last instar nymphal and pharate adults of the whiteflies, Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci




A critical feeding period is the time after which 50% of a given species of insect can be removed from its food source and complete development by undergoing adult eclosion. The critical feeding period was determined for the greenhouse white fly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and the sweet potato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Biotype B) (Homptera/Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Fourth (last) instar and pharate adult whiteflies were removed from green bean leaves, staged, placed on filter paper in small Petri dishes containing drops of water, and observed daily for eclosion. For T. vaporariorum reared at 25°C and L:D 16:8, 55 and 80% adult eclosion were observed when whiteflies were removed at stages 4 (0.23–0.26 mm in body depth) and 5 (≥ 0.27 mm in body depth), respectively, so that at least 50% eclosion was only achieved in this species of whitefly when adult eye development had already been initiated (in Stage 4), and 80% eclosion when adult wing development had been initiated (Stage 5). In contrast, 63% of B. tabaci emerged as adults if removed from the leaf at Stage 3 (0.18–0.22 mm in body depth), and 80% emerged if removed at Stage 4/5, stages in which adult formation had not yet been initiated. The mean number of eggs laid by experimental (those removed at Stages 4–5, 6–7 or 8–9) and control (those that remained on the leaf prior to eclosion) whiteflies, and the mean percent hatch of these eggs were not significantly different in experimental and control groups. Stages 7, 8 and 9 are characterized by a light red adult eye, medium red bipartite adult eye and dark red or red-black bipartite adult eye, respectively. Mean adult longevity also was not significantly different between experimental and control groups. However, for all groups of T. vaporariorum, adult female longevity was significantly (at least 2 times) greater than male longevity. Our results identify the critical feeding periods for last instar/pharate adults of two important pest species of whitefly. Since in both species of whitefly the critical feeding period is achieved when weight gain reaches a plateau, it appears that the critical feeding period is more closely correlated with the attainment of a critical weight than with either the time that ecdsyteroid titers first peak or the time when adult development is initiated.
机译:关键的进食期是一段时间,在此时间之后,可以将50%的特定昆虫种类从其食物源中清除出来,并通过进行成年羽扇豆完全发育。确定了温室白蝇粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum和甘薯粉虱粉虱Bemisia tabaci(B型)(Homptera / Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)的关键喂养期。从绿豆叶片上移出第四(最后)龄和有鳍的成年粉虱,进行分期,放在装有水滴的小陪替氏培养皿中的滤纸上,每天观察是否被抽出。对于在25°C和L:D 16:8下饲养的气单胞菌,在第4阶段(体深0.23–0.26 mm)和第5阶段(体深≥0.27mm)去除粉虱时,观察到55%和80%的成虫脱落),因此只有在已经开始成年眼睛发育的阶段(第4阶段),才在该种粉虱中至少实现50%的萎缩,而在已经开始成年翅膀发育的阶段(第5阶段)实现至少80%的萎缩。相比之下,如果在第3阶段从叶片上移走烟粉虱,则其成虫(成虫深度为0.18-0.22 mm)成虫,而在第4/5阶段,则去除烟叶芽孢杆菌的成虫仍为成虫,成虫尚未形成。已启动。实验性(在阶段4-5、6-7或8-9去除的卵)和对照(在羽化前留在叶片上的卵)粉虱的平均卵数,而这些卵的平均孵化率没有实验组和对照组的差异显着。阶段7、8和9分别以淡红色成年眼,中等红色成年双眼和深红色或红黑色成年双眼为特征。实验组和对照组之间的平均成年寿命也没有显着差异。然而,对于所有的气单胞菌,成年女性的寿命显着高于男性(至少两倍)。我们的结果确定了粉虱的两种重要害虫物种的最后成虫/成年成年成虫的关键喂养期。由于在这两种粉虱中,关键的摄食期是在体重增加达到平稳状态时才达到的,因此看来关键的摄食期与达到临界体重的关联性比与蜕皮类固醇效价首次达到峰值的时间或时间更紧密相关。当成人发展开始时。



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