首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Insect Science >Effects of roads on Castanopsis carlesii seedlings and their leaf herbivory in a subtropical forest in China

Effects of roads on Castanopsis carlesii seedlings and their leaf herbivory in a subtropical forest in China




The effects of a forest road on Castanopsis carlesii (Hemsley) Hayata (Fagales: Fagaceae) seedlings and their leaf herbivory were investigated in a subtropical forest at Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve, Jiangxi, China. A total of 1124 seedlings, 33949 leaves, 468 leaf mines, and 205 leaf galls were found. Generally, individual numbers, tree heights, and leaf numbers of C. carlesii seedlings became lower with increasing distances from the road. These results might indicate that old seedlings were fewer and survival rate of seedlings was lower in forest interiors. Leaf miners preferred the seedlings close to the forest road, while leaf gallers preferred the seedlings about 2 m from the road. Species diversity of leaf miners was higher in the forest interior area, while species diversity of leaf gallers was higher near the road. However, both leaf miners and leaf gallers decreased in general from the road to the interior forest. There were interspecific differences in the effects of roads on leaf miner species and leaf galler species. The effects of the road on seedlings and insects could be explained by varying microhabitat conditions and different ecological strategies.
机译:在江西九连山国家级自然保护区的亚热带森林中,研究了林道对on锥栗(Hemsley)Hay(Fagales:Fagaceae)幼苗及其叶片食草的影响。总共发现了1124个幼苗,33949个叶子,468个叶雷和205个叶gall。通常,随着距道路距离的增加,C。carlesii幼苗的个体数,树高和叶数会降低。这些结果可能表明,森林内部的老树苗少,成活率低。矿工更喜欢林道附近的幼苗,而叶磨工则更喜欢距道路约2 m的幼苗。在森林内部区域,矿工的物种多样性较高,而在道路附近,矿工的物种多样性较高。但是,从公路到内陆森林,采伐者和采伐者总体上都减少了。道路对矿工和gall虫的影响存在种间差异。道路对幼苗和昆虫的影响可以通过不同的微生境条件和不同的生态策略来解释。



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