首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Information Engineering and Applications >Information Communication Technology Penetration and its Impact on Education: Lessons of Experience from Selected African Countries of Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda

Information Communication Technology Penetration and its Impact on Education: Lessons of Experience from Selected African Countries of Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda




The study examined the extent of penetration of Computer and Internet as Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools and their potential positive impact on educational institutions, individuals and societies at large. The study employed a mixed methods approach involving quantitative and qualitative approaches using secondary and primary data sources. The study was premised on the social cultural theory propounded by Vygotsky in the early 20 th century which emphasizes the role of the society and interaction in learning and development process. This study focused on lessons of experience regarding the extent ICT has transformed education in Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda. The study largely relied on secondary data available mainly in official websites, published documents like articles in journals and unpublished documents as well as primary data from interviews with leading educationists, researchers and policy makers in the Eastern African Region. The findings in the three countries show the existence of political awareness and will to make ICT a transformative and economic tool. Practically on the ground, educational institutions and their stakeholders have already embraced ICT and their actions are portrayed in the progressive efforts to avail required basic ICT infrastructure and future roadmaps of the targets to hit. It was also noted that Rwanda is taking the lead in the achievements in ICT. It was also evident that the three countries were experiencing nearly identical challenges ranging from inadequate funding to put in place appropriate tools and infrastructure and low level of ownership and sustainability of ICT projects. The study recommended the punctual monitoring and evaluation of ICT projects; follow up and enforcement of policies and resolutions, synergize all educational stakeholders’ efforts and expertise together as some of the coping strategies with the highlighted barriers. Invariably, countries should learn from one another in terms of achievement made and challenges to be overcome.[[293 words] Key words : Information Communication Technology (ICT), ICT penetration, ICT in education, ICT impact, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda
机译:该研究考察了计算机和互联网作为信息通信技术(ICT)工具的渗透程度,以及它们对整个教育机构,个人和整个社会的潜在积极影响。该研究采用了混合方法,其中包括使用二级和一级数据源的定量和定性方法。该研究以20世纪初维果斯基(Vygotsky)提出的社会文化理论为前提,该理论强调社会和互动在学习与发展过程中的作用。这项研究的重点是关于信息通信技术在加纳,肯尼亚和卢旺达改变教育程度的经验教训。这项研究主要依赖于主要在官方网站上获得的二手数据,期刊上发表的文章(如期刊文章和未出版的文件)以及对东非地区领先的教育家,研究人员和政策制定者的采访中得到的原始数据。这三个国家的调查结果表明存在政治意识,并将使ICT成为变革性的经济工具。实际上,教育机构及其利益相关者已经在使用信通技术,并在逐步采取行动以利用所需的基本信通技术基础设施和实现目标的未来路线图中描绘了他们的行动。还指出,卢旺达在信息通信技术成就方面处于领先地位。同样显而易见的是,这三个国家正面临着几乎相同的挑战,包括资金不足,缺乏适当的工具和基础设施,信息通信技术项目的所有权和可持续性低下。该研究建议对信息和通信技术项目进行准时监测和评估;跟踪和执行政策和决议,将所有教育利益相关者的努力和专业知识加在一起,作为应对策略中的一些突出障碍。 [293关键字]关键词:信息通信技术,信息通信技术的渗透,信息通信技术在教育中的作用,信息通信技术的影响,加纳,肯尼亚,卢旺达



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