首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Information Security >Generation of Labelled Datasets to Quantify the Impact of Security Threats to Cloud Data Centers

Generation of Labelled Datasets to Quantify the Impact of Security Threats to Cloud Data Centers




Anomaly based approaches in network intrusion detection suffer from evaluation, comparison and deployment which originate from the scarcity of adequate publicly available network trace datasets. Also, publicly available datasets are either outdated or generated in a controlled environment. Due to the ubiquity of cloud computing environments in commercial and government internet services, there is a need to assess the impacts of network attacks in cloud data centers. To the best of our knowledge, there is no publicly available dataset which captures the normal and anomalous network traces in the interactions between cloud users and cloud data centers. In this paper, we present an experimental platform designed to represent a practical interaction between cloud users and cloud services and collect network traces resulting from this interaction to conduct anomaly detection. We use Amazon web services (AWS) platform for conducting our experiments.
机译:网络入侵检测中基于异常的方法会受到评估,比较和部署的困扰,这是由于缺乏足够的公共可用网络跟踪数据集而引起的。而且,公开可用的数据集已经过时或在受控环境中生成。由于商业和政府Internet服务中云计算环境的普遍性,因此需要评估网络攻击对云数据中心的影响。据我们所知,没有公开可用的数据集可以捕获云用户与云数据中心之间的交互中的正常和异常网络轨迹。在本文中,我们提供了一个实验平台,该平台旨在代表云用户与云服务之间的实际交互,并收集由此交互产生的网络跟踪,以进行异常检测。我们使用Amazon Web Services(AWS)平台进行实验。



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