首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management >Optimal inventory policy in a closed loop supply chain system with multiple periods

Optimal inventory policy in a closed loop supply chain system with multiple periods




Purpose: This paper aims to model and optimize the closed loop supply chain for maximizing the profit by considering the fixed order quantity inventory policy in various sites at multiple periods.Design/methodology/approach: In forward supply chain, a standard inventory policy can be followed when the product moves from manufacturer, distributer, retailer and customer but the inventory in the reverse supply chain of the product with the similar standard policy is very difficult to manage. This model investigates the standard policy of fixed order quantity by considering the three major types of return-recovery pair such as commercial returns, end- of- use returns, end –of- life returns and their inventory positioning at multiple periods. The model is configured as mixed integer linear programming and solved by IBM ILOG CPLEX OPL studio.Findings: To find the performance of the model a numerical example is considered for a product with three Parts (A which of 2nos, B and C) for 12 multiple periods. The results of the analysis show that the manufacturer can know how much should to be manufacture in multiple periods based on Variations of the demand by adopting the FOQ inventory policy at different sites considering its capacity constraints. In addition, it is important how much of parts should be purchased from the supplier at the given 12 periods.Originality/value: A sensitivity analysis is performed to validate the proposed model two parts. First part of the analysis will focus on the inventory of product and parts and second part of analysis focus on profit of the company. The analysis which provides some insights in to the structure of the model.
机译:目的:本文旨在通过考虑多个时期的不同地点的固定订单数量库存策略来建模和优化闭环供应链,以使利润最大化。设计/方法/方法:在正向供应链中,可以采用标准库存策略当产品从制造商,分销商,零售商和客户处转移时,其次是,但是具有类似标准策略的产品的反向供应链中的库存很难管理。该模型通过考虑退货回收对的三种主要类型,例如商业退货,使用终止退货,报废寿命退货及其在多个时期的库存定位,来研究固定订单数量的标准政策。该模型配置为混合整数线性编程,并由IBM ILOG CPLEX OPL studio解决。发现:为了找到模型的性能,考虑一个具有三个部分(A为2nos,B和C)的产品为12的数值示例。多个时期。分析结果表明,制造商可以根据需求的变化,通过在不同地点采用FOQ库存策略来考虑其能力约束,从而在多个时期内应该制造多少产品。此外,在给定的12个周期内应从供应商处购买多少零件也很重要。原始数据/值:进行了敏感性分析,以验证建议的模型两部分。分析的第一部分将重点放在产品和零件的库存上,第二部分的分析将重点放在公司的利润上。该分析为模型的结构提供了一些见识。



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