首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management >Motivational factors for the adoption of ISO 9001 standards in Eastern Europe: the case of Bulgaria

Motivational factors for the adoption of ISO 9001 standards in Eastern Europe: the case of Bulgaria

机译:东欧采用ISO 9001标准的动机因素:保加利亚



The main purpose of this study is to analyze the motivational factors for ISO 9001 certification in Bulgaria based on the dual model, or in other words from the internal/external motivations perspective. The first internationally recognized study on ISO certification in the country represents a sample of 127 companies, both manufacturing and services firms, and the analysis of the obtained data indicates that enhanced company image and competitiveness is the leading motivational factor for ISO 9001 certification. Nevertheless, we conclude that Bulgarian firms are not predominantly externally driven. Furthermore, our study claims that enhanced company image and competitiveness has a stronger impact on motivation for ISO 9001 certification than customer and supplier pressure, which is in line with previous research works developing economy economies such as Bulgaria. Finally, our study indicates a moderate, yet positive correlation between motivations and benefits of ISO 9001 certification.
机译:这项研究的主要目的是基于双重模型,换句话说,从内部/外部动机的角度分析保加利亚ISO 9001认证的动机因素。该国首次获得国际认可的ISO认证研究是对127家公司的抽样调查,包括制造公司和服务公司,对获得的数据进行的分析表明,公司形象和竞争力的增强是ISO 9001认证的主要动机。尽管如此,我们得出的结论是,保加利亚公司并非主要由外部驱动。此外,我们的研究声称,增强公司形象和竞争力对ISO 9001认证动机的影响要大于客户和供应商的压力,这与发展保加利亚等经济体的先前研究工作是一致的。最后,我们的研究表明,ISO 9001认证的动机和收益之间存在适度但正相关的关系。



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