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The need for a rapid and comprehensive adoption of the revised European standard population in cancer incidence comparisons




As cancer incidence varies according to age, it is important to rule out differences in age structures in any comparison. A common way of adjusting for these differences is using direct age standardization, which applies age-specific weights from a standard population. Eurostat has recently introduced a revised European standard population (RESP). The effect of using the new standard, in comparison with that introduced in 1976 [European standard population (ESP)], is evaluated. Cancer incidence data for prostate and testis cancer for Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland from the NORDCAN web site, and for Ireland and Italy-Genoa from Cancer Incidence in five Continents-X, were analyzed. Incidence rates were directly age standardized using ESP and RESP. The RESP conferred greater weight to adults and the elderly than the ESP. For prostate cancer, age-standardized rates computed with RESP are consistently higher by between 50 and 60% than those computed with ESP. However, the use of RESP, instead of ESP, has little impact on the pattern of time trends, the relative ranking of countries, the values of relative risks, or the percentage differences between age-standardized rates. For testis cancer, RESP and ESP provide very similar results because this cancer is more common in young men. Both ESP and RESP are in circulation. It is, therefore, important that European cancer registries reach consensus on a single standard to use to avoid erroneous comparisons of data computed with different standards. Given that Eurostat recently introduced RESP and is using this standard for data collected from the European Union Member States, it would make sense to rally behind RESP.
机译:由于癌症发病率随年龄而变化,因此在任何比较中都应排除年龄结构的差异,这一点很重要。调整这些差异的一种常用方法是使用直接年龄标准化,该标准采用来自标准人群的特定年龄体重。欧盟统计局(Eurostat)最近引入了修订后的欧洲标准人口(RESP)。与1976年引入的标准[欧洲标准人群(ESP)]相比,评估了使用新标准的效果。分析了来自NORDCAN网站的丹麦,芬兰,瑞典,挪威和冰岛的前列腺癌和睾丸癌的癌症发病率数据,以及来自五个大陆X的癌症发病率的爱尔兰和意大利-热那亚的癌症发病率数据。发病率直接使用ESP和RESP进行年龄标准化。与ESP相比,RESP给成年人和老人带来了更大的重量。对于前列腺癌,用RESP计算的年龄标准化率始终比用ESP计算的年龄标准化率高50%至60%。但是,使用RESP而不是ESP对时间趋势的模式,国家的相对排名,相对风险的值或年龄标准化率之间的百分比差异几乎没有影响。对于睾丸癌,RESP和ESP可提供非常相似的结果,因为该癌在年轻人中更为常见。 ESP和RESP都在流通。因此,重要的是欧洲癌症注册管理机构应就单一标准达成共识,以避免使用不同标准对数据进行错误比较。鉴于欧盟统计局最近引入了RESP,并且正使用该标准来收集从欧盟成员国收集的数据,因此有必要支持RESP。



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