首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing >Prevalence of Neonatal Tetanus in Northeastern Nigeria

Prevalence of Neonatal Tetanus in Northeastern Nigeria




Background: Neonatal tetanus (NNT), a deadly vaccine preventable disease and one of the most underreported diseases in the developing countries, is seen in the newborn within the first 28 days of life. NNT remains one of the leading causes of deaths among neonates in the developing countries with about 130,000 neonatal deaths recorded in 2004. In the 1989 World Health Assembly and the 1990 world summit for children, WHO/UNICEF together with partner agencies called for the elimination of tetanus by 1995. Despite the global success recorded in the NNT elimination strategy, Nigeria is still among the 25 remaining countries that are yet to achieve the global NNT elimination target as set by the WHO. Study Design: Retrospective study Methods: This quantitative cross-sectional study involved mothers who gave birth to NNT babies between January 2008 and December 2013. . The study used secondary dataset collected by trained NNT surveillance officers in the northeast zone of Nigeria using a standard tool. Results: Although the trend of NNT in the region showed a decrease in cases with fewer cases 9% (27/306) recorded in 2013, the prevalence rate of NNT was unacceptably high at 28.815%. Conclusion: Though at a slow pace, it is clear that the measures put in place by the Nigerian government towards meeting the 2015 NNT elimination deadline is yielding positive results. In spite this, there is need for policy makers to increase their commitments to ensure that Nigeria meet up with the 2015 NNT elimination deadline.
机译:背景:新生儿破伤风(NNT)是一种致命的疫苗可预防疾病,是发展中国家报告最多的疾病之一,在新生儿出生后的28天内就可以看到。 NNT仍然是发展中国家新生儿死亡的主要原因之一,2004年记录的新生儿死亡人数为130,000。在1989年世界卫生大会和1990年世界儿童峰会上,WHO / UNICEF与伙伴机构一起呼吁消除到1995年破伤风。尽管在NNT消除战略中取得了全球性的成功,但尼日利亚仍是尚待实现WHO设定的全球NNT消除目标的其余25个国家之一。研究设计:回顾性研究方法:这项定量横断面研究涉及在2008年1月至2013年12月之间生下NNT婴儿的母亲。该研究使用了由尼日利亚东北部训练有素的NNT监视人员使用标准工具收集的次要数据集。结果:尽管该地区NNT的趋势呈下降趋势,2013年病例数减少了9%(27/306),但NNT的患病率高达28.815%,高得令人无法接受。结论:尽管步伐缓慢,但很显然,尼日利亚政府为在2015年消除NNT的最后期限而采取的措施正在取得积极成果。尽管如此,决策者仍需加大承诺,以确保尼日利亚在2015年消除NNT的最后期限之前完成任务。



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