首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Life Science >Bioactivity of Sauropus androgynus and Elephantopus scaber to CD4+IL2+ and CD4+IL4+ T Cells Modulation in Balb/c Pregnant Mice Model of Typhoid

Bioactivity of Sauropus androgynus and Elephantopus scaber to CD4+IL2+ and CD4+IL4+ T Cells Modulation in Balb/c Pregnant Mice Model of Typhoid

机译:拟南芥和象头刺对伤寒Balb / c妊娠小鼠模型中CD4 + IL2 +和CD4 + IL4 + T细胞调节的生物活性。



Pregnant woman have higher risk to get infection, because pregnancy decreasing the cell T activity. Sauropus androgynus and Elephantopus scaber has substance like saponin and flavonoid which has been well known as natural imunomodulator, particularly to increase amount of immunocompetent cell. This research is important to recognize effective supplement supply for immunomodulator of S. Androgynus and E. Scaber to increase mice’s ( Mus musculus Balb/c) immune system. This research conducted in seven treatments by 3 repetitions for each treatment by using pregnant mice which has been infected by bacteria Salmonella typhimurium (dose 10~(7 )CFU.mL~(-1)). Bacteria are injected to mice intraperitoneal in day 5~(th) after giving combination of extract E. scaber and S. androgynus . The dose of E. scaber and S. androgynus combination are 200; 150:37.5; 100:75; 50: 112.5; 150. Five group of treatment were infected by S. typhimurium . Two other groups were the control, namely negative control which was only given NaCMC 0.05% without infection and positive control which was given NaCMC 0.05% and infected by S. typhimurium . After being injected, treatment was redone till the day of surgery. The surgery was executed in day 12~(th) and 18~(th) of pregnancy. Data were analyzed using ANOVA (p < 0.05) and Duncan test. Result indicated that extract of S. androgynus and E. scaber could increase amount of immune system in pregnant mice. This was indicated from significant increasing in amount of cell T CD4~(+)IL2~(+) and CD4~(+)IL4~(+ )in pregnant mice which has been infected by S. thypimurium . Formula of extract S. androgynus and E. scaber which could return immune condition was approached condition of healthy pregnant mice such as E. scaber 200 mg.kg~(-1) BW; E. scaber 100 mg.kg~(-1) BW and S. androgynus 75 mg.kg~(-1) BW; E. scaber 50 mg.kg~(-1) BW and S. androgynus 112.5 mg.kg~(-1) BW; and S. androgynus 150 mg.kg~(-1) BW, respectively.Keywords: CD4~(+)IL2~(+),CD4~(+)IL4~(+), E. scaber , Immunomodulator, S. androgynus , S. typhimurium.
机译:孕妇感染的风险更高,因为怀孕会降低细胞T活性。蜥脚and和象脚具有像皂苷和类黄酮这样的物质,众所周知,它是天然的免疫调节剂,特别是增加免疫功能细胞的数量。这项研究对于认识有效的补充补充雄激素和雄激素的免疫调节剂以增强小鼠免疫系统的重要性。这项研究使用受鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(剂量为10〜(7)CFU.mL〜(-1))感染的妊娠小鼠,在7种治疗方法中进行了3次重复实验,每种治疗方法均重复3次。给予提取物E. scaber和S. androgynus的组合后第5天,将细菌注射至小鼠腹膜内。 E. scaber和S. androgynus组合的剂量为200; 150:37.5; 100:75; 50:112.5; 150.五组治疗感染鼠伤寒沙门氏菌。另外两组为对照组,即阴性对照组,仅给予0.05%的NaCMC,无感染;阳性对照组,给予0.05%的NaCMC,并被鼠伤寒沙门氏菌感染。注射后,将治疗重做至手术当天。手术在怀孕的第12天和第18天进行。使用ANOVA(p <0.05)和Duncan检验分析数据。结果表明,S。androgynus和E. scaber提取物可以增加妊娠小鼠的免疫系统。这可以从已经感染了鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的怀孕小鼠的T细胞CD4〜(+)IL2〜(+)和CD4〜(+)IL4〜(+)数量显着增加中看出。可以使免疫状态恢复的雌雄同体提取物和S. scaber提取物的配方达到健康怀孕小鼠的条件,如E. scaber 200 mg.kg〜(-1)BW; E. scaber 100 mg.kg〜(-1)BW和雄性链球菌75 mg.kg〜(-1)BW; E. scaber 50 mg.kg〜(-1)BW和雄性链球菌112.5 mg.kg〜(-1)BW;和S. androgynus 150 mg.kg〜(-1)BW。关键词:CD4〜(+)IL2〜(+),CD4〜(+)IL4〜(+),E. scaber,免疫调节剂,S. androgynus ,鼠伤寒沙门氏菌。



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