首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Life Science >Bioactivity of Combination Elephantopus scaber and Sauropus androgynus on the Level of B220 cells of Lymph Node in Pregnant Typhoid BALB/c Mice

Bioactivity of Combination Elephantopus scaber and Sauropus androgynus on the Level of B220 cells of Lymph Node in Pregnant Typhoid BALB/c Mice

机译:象鼻虫和爪哇蜥蜴的组合对妊娠伤寒BALB / c小鼠淋巴结B220细胞水平的生物活性



Elephantopus scaber and Sauropus androgynus are herbal remedies that contain flavonoids as immunomodulatory agents. This study was aimed to observe the changes in the relative number of B cells in lymph node tissue of pregnant typhoid mice. Mice were divided into seven groups K-, K+, E. scaber 200 mg.kg~(-1) BW,? E. scaber 150 mg.kg~(-1) BW + S. androgynus 37.5 mg.kg~(-1) BW,? E. scaber 100 mg.kg~(-1) BW + S. androgynus 75 mg.kg~(-1) BW,? E. scaber 50 mg.kg~(-1) BW + S. androgynus 112.5 mg.kg~(-1) BW, dan S. androgynus 150 mg.kg~(-1) BW. Mice were dissected on the 12~(th) and 18~(th) day after herbal treatment. Data was analyzed using one way ANOVA (p < 0.05) and Duncan. The result show that E. scaber combination of 200 mg.kg~(-1 )BW and E. scaber 150 mg.kg~(-1) BW + S. androgynus 37.5 mg.kg~(-1) BW can increase the number of B220 cells (p < 0,05) on pregnant mice typoid model.Keywords: B220, Elephantopus scaber , pregnant, Sauropus androgynus , typhoid fever.
机译:Elephantopus scaber和Sauropus androgynus是含有类黄酮作为免疫调节剂的草药。本研究旨在观察孕妇伤寒小鼠淋巴结组织中B细胞相对数量的变化。将小鼠分为7组:K-,K +,E。scaber 200 mg.kg〜(-1)BW ,? E. scaber 150 mg.kg〜(-1)BW +雄性链球菌37.5 mg.kg〜(-1)BW ,? E. scaber 100 mg.kg〜(-1)BW +雄性链球菌75 mg.kg〜(-1)BW ,? E. scaber 50 mg.kg〜(-1)BW +雄性链球菌112.5 mg.kg〜(-1)BW,dan S. androgynus 150 mg.kg〜(-1)BW。草药治疗后第12天和第18天解剖小鼠。使用单因素方差分析(p <0.05)和Duncan分析数据。结果表明,200 mg.kg〜(-1)BW的E. scaber组合和150 mg.kg〜(-1)BW的E. scaber组合+ 37.5 mg.kg〜(-1)的B.关键词:妊娠小鼠伤寒样动物B220细胞数量(p <0.05)。关键词:B220,象脚ca,孕妇,Sauropus androgynus,伤寒。



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