首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Pharmacology >Effect of breastfeeding piperine on the learning of offspring mice: interaction with caffeine and diazepam

Effect of breastfeeding piperine on the learning of offspring mice: interaction with caffeine and diazepam




Abstract: Piperine, the main alkaloid of black pepper (Piper nigrum), has been suggested to display several pharmacological properties, including pain relief, anticonvulsant, antidepressant-like, antianxiety, sedative, and anti-inflammatory effects. This study was designed to investigate the effect of piperine on learning in mice and the interaction of the effect with caffeine and diazepam. Piperine (100 mg/kg intraperitoneally) was injected into the mouse mothers or nursing dams during breastfeeding for 25 days at five-day intervals. After feeding the newborn mice, their learning was evaluated using a step-through passive avoidance task. Mouse learning was assessed 1 hr and 24 hr and 1 week after a training session. Piperine increased learning in the first (1 hr: 243.33 s vs 55.17 s, P = 0.002) and third assessments (1 week: 226 s vs 97 s, P < 0.05) post-training, but no significant change was seen at the second (24 hr) assessment. Piperine improved the effect of a low dose of caffeine (25 mg/kg intraperitoneally after a shock of 2 s duration) in a first assessment (295.17 s vs 149.17 s, P = 0.026) compared to a higher dose of caffeine. Piperine reversed diazepam (1 mg/kg intraperitoneally) suppression of learning 24 hours after training by a 4 s shock (298 s vs 135.67 s, P = 0.03). According to the results, piperine alone significantly increased learning 1 hour and 1 week after training assessments, and learning can be improved in the short term when followed by piperine administration. It was also shown that piperine can potentiate the effect of a low dose of caffeine and can reverse the effect of diazepam.
机译:摘要:胡椒碱是黑胡椒(Piper nigrum)的主要生物碱,已被证明具有多种药理特性,包括止痛,抗惊厥,抗抑郁样,抗焦虑,镇静和抗炎作用。本研究旨在研究胡椒碱对小鼠学习的影响以及该影响与咖啡因和地西epa的相互作用。在母乳喂养期间以五天的间隔将胡椒碱(100 mg / kg腹膜内)注射到小鼠母亲或哺乳母鼠中。给新生小鼠喂食后,使用逐步被动回避任务评估他们的学习情况。训练后1小时,24小时和1周评估了小鼠的学习能力。 Piperine在训练后的第一(1小时:243.33 s vs. 55.17 s,P = 0.002)和第三次评估(1周:226 s vs 97 s,P <0.05)中增加了学习,但是第二次未见明显变化(24小时)评估。与较高剂量的咖啡因相比,胡椒碱在首次评估中改善了低剂量咖啡因(持续2 s的电击后腹膜内剂量25 mg / kg)的效果(295.17 s vs 149.17 s,P = 0.026)。训练后24小时,胡椒碱逆转地西epa(腹膜内1 mg / kg)抑制学习,时间为4 s(298 s对135.67 s,P = 0.03)。根据结果​​,单独的胡椒碱可显着增加训练评估后1小时和1周的学习量,并且在服用胡椒碱后短期内可改善学习效果。还显示胡椒碱可以增强低剂量咖啡因的作用,并且可以逆转地西epa的作用。



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