首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Ecological Engineering >Lumbricidae Biodiversity at the Sites in Bieszczady Mountains (Poland) After 25 Years

Lumbricidae Biodiversity at the Sites in Bieszczady Mountains (Poland) After 25 Years




Soil degradation is caused by geological, climatic and biological factors, as well as human activities. One kind of degradation involves loss of soil biodiversity as a result of global environmental changes. A study on earthworms was carried out near Ustrzyki Górne in the Bieszczady Mts (Poland), on a monthly basis, in 1986–1987 and 2009–2010 at various sites within the Carpathian beech forests ( Fagetum carpaticum ). During the years 1986–1987, a total of 13 species of earthworms were found: 6?species on site I, 8 species on site II, and 9 species were recorded within the site III. The highest abundance, i.e. 11 species was found on site IV. The study, which revisited the same locations in 2009–2010, identified only 10 species. In sites I, II and III, 7 earthworm species were found in each, and in site IV –10 species. The authors also investigated the factors endangering the fauna of earthworms in the Bieszczady Mountains, and following the example set by other countries which had made attempts to introduce earthworms into the red lists of the threatened species, it was proposed that such a procedure should be adopted for the endemic species O. transpadanus . It was also observed that specimens of L. terrestris had penetrated the natural areas of the National Park.
机译:土壤退化是由地质,气候和生物因素以及人类活动引起的。一种退化涉及由于全球环境变化而造成的土壤生物多样性丧失。 1986年至1987年和2009年至2010年,每月在喀尔巴阡山毛榉森林(Fagetum carpaticum)内的比斯特(Bieszczady)山(UtszykiGórne)附近的乌斯特里奇(EstrzykiGórne)附近进行earth研究。在1986年至1987年间,共发现了13种I:I地6种,II地8种,III地9种。在站点IV上发现了最高的丰度,即11种。这项研究在2009-2010年再次访问了同一地点,仅发现了10种。在地点I,II和III中,分别发现了7种earth,在地点IV-10中发现了species。作者还调查了在比斯奇扎迪山脉威胁the动物群落的因素,并按照其他国家试图将example引入受威胁物种红色名录的榜样,建议应采用这种程序为特有的O. transpadanus。还观察到,陆地藜的标本已经穿透了国家公园的自然区域。



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