首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Jigger Infestation a Menace to Children’s School Attendance

Jigger Infestation a Menace to Children’s School Attendance




This study intended to investigate the relationship between jigger infestation and participation at school by pre-primary school and lower primary school children. The objective of the study was to find out the relationship between jigger infestation and children’s rate of school attendance. The study was carried out in Gatundu District because it is one of the highly jigger infested districts in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study utilized the Ecological systems theory and it employed the descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprised of pre-primary, lower primary school children and their class teachers from all the public schools in Gatundu District. Forty four jigger infested children were purposively sampled for the study. An equal number of pupils not infested were randomly sampled to be compared with those who were infested. The teachers handling pre-primary school and lower primary classes were also purposively sampled. Questionnaires for teachers, observations schedules for children and document analysis were utilized for data collection. Qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis were applied. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to prepare and organize data for analysis. Pearson’s correlation coefficient test was used to compute the relationship between the variables. Frequency distribution tables, percentages, and descriptions were utilized for data presentations. Findings revealed that jiggers were a major threat to the realization of children’s educational goals. The Pearson correlation coefficient indicated that jigger affected children’s school attendance in that r = -0.123, n=44 and sig(2 tailed)= 0.426.The study recommends that the school managers liaises with other stakeholders to seek for strategies of curing those infested, carry out routine checkups on children and sensitize communities on the causes, dangers and preventive measures of the jigger parasite in order to help all children realize their full educational potential in life. Keywords: Jigger infestation, school attendance, Jigger infestation, health hazard
机译:这项研究的目的是调查学龄前儿童和初中儿童的跳蚤出没与入学之间的关系。这项研究的目的是找出跳汰机侵扰与儿童入学率之间的关系。这项研究是在加通都区进行的,因为它是肯尼亚基安布郡受感染人数众多的地区之一。该研究利用了生态系统理论,并采用了描述性调查设计。该研究的人口包括加通渡区所有公立学校的学前,初中儿童及其班主任。有目的地对四十四具跳蚤出没的儿童进行了抽样。随机抽取相等数量的未受感染的学生与受感染的学生进行比较。还对接受学前教育和小学教育的教师进行了抽样调查。收集了教师问卷,儿童观察时间表和文件分析。采用定性和定量的数据分析方法。社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)用于准备和组织数据进行分析。皮尔逊的相关系数检验用于计算变量之间的关系。频率分布表,百分比和说明用于数据表示。调查结果表明,跳汰机是对实现儿童教育目标的主要威胁。皮尔逊相关系数表明,跳汰机影响了孩子的入学率,即r = -0.123,n = 44,sig(2尾)= 0.426。该研究建议学校管理者与其他利益相关者保持联系,以寻求治愈受感染者的策略,对儿童进行例行检查,并使社区了解跳虫寄生虫的成因,危害和预防措施,以帮助所有儿童充分发挥其生活中的教育潜力。关键字:跳跳虎出没,学校出勤,跳跳虎出没,健康危害



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