首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Enam Medical College >Feto-maternal Outcomes in Cesarean Section Compared to Vaginal Delivery in Eclamptic Patients in a Tertiary Level Hospital

Feto-maternal Outcomes in Cesarean Section Compared to Vaginal Delivery in Eclamptic Patients in a Tertiary Level Hospital




Background: Over? half-a-million women die each year? from pregnancy-related? causes, and ?99 percent of these occur in developing countries. In Bangladesh though maternal mortality ?rate (MMR) declined? significantly? around 40% in? the? past? decade,? still? eclampsia? accounts ?for 20% of maternal deaths. Eclampsia is uniquely a disease of pregnancy, and the only cure ?is? delivery? regardless? of? gestational? age.? A? rational? therapy? for? general? management? of ?hypertension and convulsion has been established in Bangladesh by the Eclampsia Working ?Group.? But? controversy? still? exists? regarding? obstetric? management. Objective: To? evaluate ?the? feto-maternal? outcome? in? cesarean? section? compared? to? vaginal? delivery? in? eclamptic ?patients. Materials? and? Methods: This? prospective? cohort? study? was? conducted? in? the ?department of Obstretics & Gynecology, Dhaka Medical College & Hospital (DMCH), from ?January to December 2011. A total 100 eclamptic women with term pregnancy and live foetus ?were purposively included in the study (Group I, 50 patients with vaginal delivery and Group ?II, 50 with cesarean section). Results: Out? of these 100 patients 56% were aged <20 years, ?71%? were? primigravida? and? 77%? were? from? low? socioeconomic? status.? Sixteen? percent ?patients from vaginal delivery group and 18% from cesarean section group had no antenatal ?care. The mean gestational age was about 38 weeks in two groups. No significant difference ?was found between the two groups regarding blood pressure, proteinuria, consciousness level ?and convulsion. Recurrence of convulsion occurred in 30% patients of vaginal delivery group ?compared? to? 6%? in? cesarean? section? group.? Maternal? complications? such? as? postpartum ?hemorrhage,? cerebrovascular? accident,? renal? failure,? obstetric? shock? and? abruptio? placenta ?were? higher? among? vaginal? delivery? group? patients? (46%)? than? cesarean? section? patients ?(16%).? Maternal? mortality? was 6% in? the? vaginal? delivery? group? and? none? in? the? cesarean ?section? group.? Regarding? fetal? outcome,? stillbirth? was? 20%? after? vaginal? delivery? and? 6% ?after cesarean section,? the result was statistically? significant.? Birth asphyxia was less? in? the ?cesarean? section? group? (23.4%)? than? in? vaginal? delivery? group? (60%)? and? this? was ?statistically? significant. Conclusions:? The? result? of? the? present? study? shows? a? better? feto- maternal outcome in the cesarean section group than in the vaginal delivery group. Journal of Enam Medical College; Vol 3 No 2 July 2013; Page 77-83 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jemc.v3i2.16128
机译:背景:结束了吗?每年有五十万妇女死亡?与怀孕有关?原因,其中有99%发生在发展中国家。在孟加拉国,尽管孕产妇死亡率(MMR)下降了?明显吗?大约40%?那个?过去?十年?仍然?子痫?占孕产妇死亡的20%。子痫是独特的妊娠疾病,唯一的治愈方法是吗?交货?而不管?的?孕期?年龄。?一种?合理的?治疗?对于?一般?管理?子痫工作小组在孟加拉国建立了“高血压和惊厥”。但?争议?仍然?存在吗?关于?产科?管理。目的:去?评价?产妇?结果?在?剖宫产?部分?比较?至?阴道?交货?在?子痫患者。材料?和?方法:这个?预期?队列?研究?是吗进行?在?达卡医学院附属医院妇产科(DMCH),从2011年1月至2011年12月。本研究旨在纳入100名患有足月妊娠和活胎儿的先兆子痫妇女(第一组,其中50例阴道分娩和第II组,剖宫产50例)。结果:出?在这100名患者中,有56%的患者年龄小于20岁,≥71%?是?原始胎盘?和? 77%?是?从?低?社会经济?状态。?十六?阴道分娩组和剖宫产组中有18%的患者没有产前检查。两组的平均胎龄约为38周。两组之间在血压,蛋白尿,意识水平和抽搐方面无显着差异。阴道分娩组30%的患者发生惊厥复发?至? 6%?在?剖宫产?部分?组。?产妇并发症?这样?如?产后“大出血”脑血管?事故,?肾吗失败,?产科?休克?和?突然?胎盘?更高?其中?阴道?交货?组?耐心? (46%)?比?剖宫产?部分?患者(16%)。产妇死亡?是6%?那个?阴道?交货?组?和?没有?在?那个?剖宫产?组。?关于?胎?结果,?死胎?是吗20%?后?阴道?交货?和?剖宫产后6%?结果是统计上的?重大。?出生窒息少吗?在?剖宫产?部分?组? (23.4 %)?比?在?阴道?交货?组? (60%)?和?这个?是“统计上”?重大。结论:?该?结果?的?那个?当下?研究?表演?一种?更好?剖宫产组的妇女母亲结局要高于阴道分娩组。依南医学院学报; 2013年7月2日第3卷;页面77-83 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jemc.v3i2.16128



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