首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environment and Earth Science >Religious Camps or Waste Haven: A Study of Waste Management Techniques in Religious Camps along Lagos-Ibadan Express Way

Religious Camps or Waste Haven: A Study of Waste Management Techniques in Religious Camps along Lagos-Ibadan Express Way




This paper examines solid waste management techniques employed in religious camps along Lagos – Ibadan Expressway. It identified the types of waste and quantity of waste generated in the selected camps. A total of two hundred and sixty one (261) questionnaires were administered to respondents in the three (3) camps using simple random sampling technique. Chi square (x2) was used to relate the significance of frequency in solid waste collection and quantity of waste generated while Regression analysis was used to examine relationship between quantity and volume of waste generated. Likhert scale was used to rank opinion of respondents on waste generation and disposal method as well as their satisfaction with service rendered by waste collection bodies in the study area. The study revealed that a bulk of waste generated is food waste (89.5%) and the least generated is metal (8%). Also majority of the respondents (39.6%) have their waste collected daily, some have their waste collected weekly (32.7%), anytime (22.7%) and monthly (5%). The highest quantity of waste generated in the selected camp is 27kg and the least quantity generated is 0.5kg. Waste generated during special programmes is very high and majority of the respondents are merely satisfied with final disposal method in camp especially in Redeem camp. The study recommends that waste generated particularly by residents should be collected regularly and also disposed in a suitable location. This will undoubtedly prevent littering of waste, offensive odour as well as poor aesthetic value in the camps. Appropriate waste management method like sanitary landfill and structured control tipping should be adopted respectively. Keywords: Waste, Management, Technique, Religious Camp, Sustainability.
机译:本文研究了拉各斯–伊巴丹高速公路沿线宗教营地中使用的固体废物管理技术。它确定了选定营地中的废物类型和产生的废物数量。使用简单的随机抽样技术,向三(3)个营地中的受访者总共发放了261(261)份问卷。卡方(x2)用于关联固体废物收集频率与产生的废物数量之间的关系,而回归分析则用于检查产生的废物数量与体积之间的关系。 Likhert量表用于对受访者对废物产生和处置方法以及他们对研究区域废物收集机构提供的服务的满意度的意见进行排名。该研究表明,产生的大部分废物为餐厨垃圾(占89.5%),而最少的废物为金属(占8%)。另外,大多数受访者(39.6%)每天收集废物,有些则每周(32.7%),任何时间(22.7%)和每月(5%)收集废物。在选定的营地中,产生的废物数量最高,为27千克,而产生的最少数量为0.5千克。特殊计划期间产生的废物非常多,大多数受访者仅对难民营中的最终处置方法感到满意,尤其是在赎回营中。研究建议应定期收集居民特别是居民产生的废物,并将其处置在合适的位置。无疑,这将防止在营地中乱扔垃圾,产生难闻的气味以及不良的审美价值。应分别采用适当的废物管理方法,例如卫生垃圾填埋场和结构化控制小费。关键字:废物,管理,技术,宗教营地,可持续性。



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