首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Utilizing Instructional Media for Teaching Infrastructure Administration

Utilizing Instructional Media for Teaching Infrastructure Administration




This study aims to produce instructional media Corel VideoStudio Pro X7-based on teaching infrastructure administration at class XI of APK in SMKN 1 Ngawi, East Java, Indonesia. This study uses Research and Development research design (R & D) through 10 steps, namely: (1) the potential and problems, (2) data collection, (3) the design of the product, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) product tryout, (7) product revision, (8) utility testing, (9) product revision, and (10) mass production. The results showed that the assessment from expert validator and limited group testing to the fourth aspects gained an average score 97.7% from material expert, 76.5% from media expert and 93.06% from limited trial group, which means that the media is categorized as very valid and reliable to use. In terms of the effectiveness of the product, according to the results of student posttest, experimental class and control class had achieved 90 and 79.7. Hence, this module is effectively used. Therefore, teachers of infrastructure administration subjects are recommended using this media as an alternative to support learning process.
机译:本研究旨在基于印度尼西亚东爪哇省SMKN 1 Ngawi的APK XI类的教学基础设施管理,制作基于教学媒体Corel会声会影Pro X7。本研究通过10个步骤使用研究与开发研究设计(R&D),即:(1)潜力和问题;(2)数据收集;(3)产品设计;(4)设计验证;(5) )设计修订,(6)产品试用,(7)产品修订,(8)实用程序测试,(9)产品修订和(10)批量生产。结果表明,从专家验证者和有限组测试到第四方面的评估,材料专家的平均得分为97.7%,媒体专家的得分为76.5%,有限试验组的得分为93.06%,这意味着媒体被归类为非常有效且使用可靠。在产品的有效性方面,根据学生后测的结果,实验班和对照班分别达到了90和79.7。因此,该模块得到有效利用。因此,建议基础设施管理学科的教师使用此媒体作为支持学习过程的替代方法。



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