首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Use of Web 2.0 Technologies in the Teaching/Learning of Business Education in Nigerian Universities

Use of Web 2.0 Technologies in the Teaching/Learning of Business Education in Nigerian Universities

机译:在尼日利亚大学的商务教育教学中使用Web 2.0技术



This paper assessed the use of web 2.0 technologies in the teaching/learning of business education courses in Nigeria Universities. The paper sought answers to the research question "what are the web 2.0 technologies use by lecturers and students of business education in Nigerian Universities? The study adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The descriptive survey was the design used for the quantitative method while content analysis for the qualitative method. A sample of 38 lecturers and 113 students were used for the survey. A total of 151 copies of the questionnaire were administered altogether, and all copies were retrieved and used for the study. A semi-structured interview was the instrument used to gather the qualitative data. Mean, standard deviation and ranks were used to analyze the quantitative data collected. Independent samples t-test statistic was used to test the null hypothesis at the 0.05 level of significance. The qualitative data were analyzed using two themes. The findings of the study revealed that web 2.0 technologies are not used in the teaching/learning of business education. It was also found that lack of technical expertise and uneasiness with openness and public discourse and interactions are some of the reasons why web tools are not used in teaching and learning. Based on the findings, it was concluded that graduates of business education would not be able to get the required skills and competencies to be capable of operating effectively in the 21st world of employment. Based on the findings of the study, the study recommends among others that; there is the need for business education teachers and students to be given technical support to help them to divert the use of web 2.0 technologies from entertainment to educational uses.
机译:本文评估了在尼日利亚大学的商务教育课程的教学中使用Web 2.0技术的情况。该论文寻求解决以下问题的答案:“尼日利亚大学的商科教育的讲师和学生使用的Web 2.0技术是什么?该研究采用定性和定量方法。描述性调查是用于定量方法而内容分析的设计本研究采用定性方法,共抽取38名讲师和113名学生作为样本,共进行了151份问卷调查,所有副本均用于研究,采用半结构化访谈法。用于收集定性数据;使用均值,标准差和等级分析收集的定量数据;使用独立样本t检验统计量检验显着性水平为0.05的原假设;使用两个主题分析定性数据研究结果表明,Web 2.0技术未用于商业教育的教学中。还发现缺乏技术专业知识以及缺乏开放性,公共话语和互动的不安感是在教学中不使用网络工具的一些原因。根据调查结果得出的结论是,商科教育的毕业生将无法获得所需的技能和能力,才能在21世纪的就业世界中有效运作。根据研究结果,研究建议:有必要为商业教育的师生提供技术支持,以帮助他们将Web 2.0技术的使用从娱乐转向教育用途。



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