首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Improving Pre-Service Teachers’ Performance in the Teaching of Common Fraction Using Cuisenaire Rods

Improving Pre-Service Teachers’ Performance in the Teaching of Common Fraction Using Cuisenaire Rods




This research study was undertaken to assess the difficulties pre-service teachers face using Cuisenaire Rods in teaching Common Fractions and how often these concrete models are used in their mathematics lessons. The extent of pupils’ participation and understanding the basic concept of common fractions, the student-teachers’ preference of using Cuisenaire Rods as against the use of fractional rules in teaching common fractions formed the integral part of the research study. Action research design was used for this study. The design allows the researcher to obtain answers to the questions raised directly from the respondents. The target population was pre-service teachers of Berekum College of Education. Random sampling procedure was used to select 50 student-teachers and JHS2 pupils as sample for the study so as to enhance the validity and generalization of the result. Observation of student-teachers’ teaching practices, model teaching by the researcher, questionnaire, and interviews granted to pupils on the study of common fraction on the use of Cuisenaire Rods were among the research instruments used. Descriptive statistics in terms of frequencies with their percentages were also used in analyzing the data obtained from the questionnaire. The research findings revealed that the use of Cuisenaire Rods to teach Common Fractions stimulates motivates and arouses the interest of learners to participate fully in the teaching and learning process. This helps pupils to actively partake in learning basic concepts in mathematics whenever concrete models were used in the lesson presentation. The research findings strongly indicated that no matter how different the pre-service teachers are prepared; the competencies of teacher education in our contemporary world would much depend on student-teachers’ teaching methods and teaching practices that can bring real meaning into the lives of their pupils. It is recommended that the supply of mathematics syllabus into the Colleges of Education should be accompanied with adequate teaching and learning aids for pre-service teachers.
机译:进行这项研究是为了评估职前教师使用Cuisenaire Rods在教普通分数时面临的困难,以及这些具体模型在其数学课程中使用的频率。学生的参与程度和对普通分数的基本概念的理解,学生老师偏爱使用Cuisenaire Rods而不是在教学普通分数时使用分数规则构成了研究的组成部分。行动研究设计用于该研究。该设计使研究人员可以获得直接由受访者提出的问题的答案。目标人群是Berekum教育学院的职前教师。通过随机抽样的方法,选择了50名师生和JHS2学生作为研究样本,以提高结果的有效性和普遍性。使用的研究工具包括观察学生教师的教学实践,研究人员的模型教学,问卷调查以及对学生进行关于使用Cuisenaire Rods进行的普通分数研究的访谈。在频率及其百分比方面的描述性统计也用于分析从问卷中获得的数据。研究发现表明,使用Cuisenaire Rods教普通分数会激发动机,并引起学习者充分参与教学过程的兴趣。每当课程演示中使用具体模型时,这有助于学生积极参与数学的基本概念的学习。研究结果有力地表明,无论岗前教师的准备情况有多不同,都应予以考虑。在当今世界,教师教育的能力在很大程度上取决于学生教师的教学方法和教学实践,这些教学方法和教学实践可以为学生的生活带来真正的意义。建议向教育学院提供数学课程表,同时为岗前教师提供足够的教与学辅助工具。



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