首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Evaluation of Millennium Development Goals in Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality in Narok County, Kenya

Evaluation of Millennium Development Goals in Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality in Narok County, Kenya




Background: Millennium Development Goals are the 21 st Century worlds’ concern to improve human way of life by 2015. In Kenya the Millennium Development Goals for reduction of maternal and child mortality has been recently powered by the beyond zero initiative which started in the year 2014 with the aim of reducing mortality as well as contributing towards promotion of maternal health for new born and children. Maternal mortality ratio and neonatal mortality rate trends in Kenya have remained unacceptably high in a decade. In 2007, the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation adopted a community health strategy to reverse the poor health outcomes in order to meet Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5. The study aimed at evaluating the Millennium Development Goals its effectiveness reduction of maternal and child death in Kenya. Methods: The study was done in 2015; Survey design was used in this study in Narok County. The target population comprised of mothers with children below five years of age in Narok County. Purposive random sampling was used to arrive at 150 as the accessible population. Questionnaires and interview guides were employed as data collection tools. Face validity of instruments was determined by Maasai Mara University specialist lecturers and health care workers in the clinic while reliability was tested by computing reliability coefficient. Data was analyzed with the aid of statistical package for social science (SPSS); at Maasai Mara University. Results: The study findings showed that 39% reduction of mortality rate. Statistic significant of (p<0.05) was observed. Since the start of millennium development goals there has been reduction of child mortality and also improved maternal health. In Narok the four recommended antenatal visits was realized but was still low at 50.5%. Deliveries at the hospital and clinic assisted by skilled health care workers were 44%. Testing for HIV during pregnancy 81.5%) and exclusive breastfeeding 36%). Conclusion: Increase in significance essential maternal and neonatal care practices demonstrates that, community health strategy is an appropriate platform to deliver community based interventions. The findings will be used by actors in the child survival community to improve current approaches, policies and practice in maternal and neonatal care. Study recommends that there should be a follow up protocol in projects put forward to ensure that the Millennium Development Goals are sustained in Narok County and other areas. Key words: Beyond Zero Campaign, Maternal and Child Mortality, Narok County, Mobile Clinics, Millennium Development Goals.
机译:背景:千年发展目标是21世纪世界关注的到2015年改善人类生活方式的问题。在肯尼亚,降低孕产妇和儿童死亡率的千年发展目标最近得到了始于2014年的“超越零”倡议的支持。目的是降低死亡率,并有助于促进新生儿和儿童的孕产妇健康。肯尼亚的孕产妇死亡率和新生儿死亡率趋势在十年中一直高得令人无法接受。 2007年,公共卫生与卫生部通过了一项社区卫生战略,以扭转不良的健康状况,以实现千年发展目标4和5。该研究旨在评估千年发展目标在减少母婴死亡方面的有效性。肯尼亚。方法:该研究于2015年完成;在纳罗克县的这项研究中使用了调查设计。目标人群包括纳洛克县育有五岁以下孩子的母亲。目的性随机抽样用于获得150个可访问人口。问卷和访谈指南被用作数据收集工具。仪器的面部有效性由马赛马拉大学的专业讲师和诊所的医护人员确定,而可靠性则通过计算可靠性系数进行测试。借助社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)对数据进行了分析;在马赛马拉大学。结果:研究结果表明死亡率降低了39%。观察到统计学显着性(p <0.05)。自千年发展目标开始以来,儿童死亡率降低了,孕产妇健康也得到了改善。在Narok,实现了四个推荐的产前检查,但仍然很低,只有50.5%。在熟练的医护人员协助下,医院和诊所的分娩率为44%。怀孕期间的艾滋病毒检测率为81.5%,纯母乳喂养率为36%。结论:重要的孕产妇和新生儿护理实践的重要性提高表明,社区卫生策略是提供基于社区的干预措施的合适平台。这些发现将被儿童生存社区的参与者用来改善孕产妇和新生儿保健的现行方法,政策和做法。研究建议在提出的项目中应该有一个后续协议,以确保在纳鲁克县和其他地区实现千年发展目标。关键词:超越零运动,孕产妇和儿童死亡率,纳罗克县,流动诊所,千年发展目标。



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