首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Education and Practice >Problems Faced by Students and Lecturers in Teaching and Learning of Approximation in Primary Colleges of Education: A Case Study of 4 Primary Colleges on the Copperbelt Province - Zambia.

Problems Faced by Students and Lecturers in Teaching and Learning of Approximation in Primary Colleges of Education: A Case Study of 4 Primary Colleges on the Copperbelt Province - Zambia.




It has been observed that students shy away from the study of Mathematics even though it is a back bone of science and technology. This is confirmed by the negative attitude and poor performance of students in Mathematics especially at primary colleges’ level. It is this background that prompted the research into the problems faced by lecturers and students in teaching and learning of “approximation” in primary colleges of education. The study was aimed at identifying problems and suggesting measures to improve performance. The study adopted the descriptive survey design using simple frequency and percentages in analyzing data. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were used to select one hundred and ninety eight (198) students from four (4) randomly selected colleges of education on the Copperbelt Province and eighteen (18) lecturers were purposively selected from the same colleges. Data were collected by means of two questionnaires administered to students and lecturers. The five (5) points’ likert–type rating scale was adopted for the questionnaire responses which was of the types, strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Some of the findings that emerged were related to personality of the lecturers, characteristics of students, nature of the curriculum, learning environments and government policies on education. Based on these findings, it was recommended that (i) the government should endeavor to provide the necessary infrastructure and facilities that will motivate teaching and learning of mathematics. (ii) Government should send lecturers for training and seminars for effective teaching and learning. The researcher recommended that colleges should invest in improving the classroom environment by reducing the lecturer- student ratio and offer incentives to lecturers in colleges of education. Keywords: approximation, teaching, learning, student’s performance and lecturer related factors.
机译:据观察,尽管它是科学和技术的骨干力量,但学生还是回避了数学学习。学生对数学的消极态度和不佳的表现证实了这一点,特别是在小学阶段。正是这种背景促使人们研究小学教育学院中讲师和学生在“近似”教学中所面临的问题。该研究旨在发现问题并提出改善性能的措施。该研究采用描述性调查设计,该分析设计使用简单的频率和百分比来分析数据。使用分层和简单的随机抽样技术从铜带省的四(4)个随机选择的教育学院中选择了一百九十八(198)名学生,并有意从同一学院中选择了十八(18)名讲师。通过对学生和讲师进行的两次问卷调查收集数据。问卷答复采用五(5)点的李克特型评分量表,其类型为:高度同意,同意,中立,不同意和强烈不同意。出现的一些发现与讲师的个性,学生的特征,课程的性质,学习环境和政府的教育政策有关。基于这些发现,建议(i)政府应努力提供必要的基础设施和设施,以激励数学的教与学。 (ii)政府应派讲师进行培训和研讨会,以有效地进行教与学。研究人员建议大学应通过降低讲师生与学生的比例来投资于改善教室环境,并激励教育学院的讲师。关键字:近似值,教学,学习,学生的表现和与讲师相关的因素。



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