首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Enam Medical College >A 75-Year-Old Male with Multiseptated Cavitary Lung Lesion

A 75-Year-Old Male with Multiseptated Cavitary Lung Lesion




A 75-year-old man attended the Department ofRadiologyandImaging in Enam Medical College andHospital for a chest radiography. He presented withhistory of cough and chest pain for 6 months andfever for last 15 days. Chest radiography revealedold pulmonary in?ammatory lesions and pleuralthickening with cystic bronchiectasis. His completeblood count was notable for a white blood cell countof 17,070 with 80% neutrophil. AFB for sputumwas found negative. For further evaluation he wasadvised to do a CT scan of chest. Contrast-enhancedCT (CECT) scan revealed a fairly large irregularthick-walled cavitary lesion having wall thicknessof about 3 mm and multiseptations within. Thelesion measures about 13 cm × 08 cm × 07 cm withcystic bronchiectasis involving superior segment andposterior basal segment of right lower lobe. After IVcontrast administration, mild wall enhancement isevident. There was increased vascularity in both lungfelds with right posterior basal pleural thickening.This mass was diagnosed as infectious cavitary lesion,possibly tubercular in origin.
机译:一名75岁的男子在Enam医学院和医院的放射学和影像学部门接受了胸部X光检查。他有咳嗽和胸痛的病史长达6个月,发烧了最近15天。胸部X线摄片显示肺部发炎性病变和胸膜增厚伴囊性支气管扩张。他的全血细胞计数显着,其中白细胞计数为17070,中性粒细胞率为80%。痰的AFB为阴性。为了进一步评估,建议他进行胸部CT扫描。对比增强CT(CECT)扫描显示相当大的不规则厚壁空洞病变,壁厚约3 mm,内有多间隔。病变部位约13 cm×08 cm×07 cm,囊性支气管扩张累及右下叶上段和后基底段。静脉注射造影剂后,可见轻度的壁增强。右肺后部基底膜胸膜增厚,两个肺段的血管均增加。该肿块被诊断为传染性空洞病变,可能起源于结核。



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