首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Enam Medical College >Seroprevalence of Anti-HCV Antibody in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease before Starting Dialysis Therapy

Seroprevalence of Anti-HCV Antibody in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease before Starting Dialysis Therapy




Background: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and chronic kidney disease are common and potentially serious medical problems throughout the world. In recent years, it has become clear that these two conditions are linked in several important ways. Indeed, some forms of renal diseases are precipitated by HCV infection and patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) are at increased risk for acquiring HCV infection. Patients with chronic kidney disease typically show an impaired immune response compared with healthy individuals and also other risk factors related with treatment and management. CKD patients ultimately undergo end stage renal therapy like dialysis for their treatment and survival. Risk factors for the infections are more in dialysis period than in predialytic stages. Like other developing countries CKD patients with HCV infection are very common in our country. For this reason the CKD patients should be properly diagnosed knowing the infection status before dialysis which would help both the patient and doctor to choose their proper treatment approach.Objective: This cross-sectional study was done to know the prevalence of HCV infection in the CKD patients before starting dialysis therapy.Materials and Methods: A total of 197 patients with chronic kidney disease stage five (CKD-V) before starting dialysis therapy were included as subjects of this study. Among the CKD patients anti-HCV was detected to see prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection. The patients were also tested for HBsAg to assess co-infection. After collecting all the data of different test results analyses were done by SPSS version 15.0.Results: In this study 195 (99%) patients were anti-HCV negative and only two patients (1%) were found positive.Conclusion: HCV infection in CKD patients before dialysis should be taken into account so that HCV negative CKD patients would not get the infection during dialysis and standard screening procedures should be taken to prevent transmission of infection.J Enam Med Col 2017; 7(1): 20-24
机译:背景:丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染和慢性肾脏疾病是世界范围内常见且潜在的严重医学问题。近年来,很明显,这两个条件以几种重要方式联系在一起。确实,某些形式的肾脏疾病是由HCV感染引起的,患有终末期肾脏疾病(ESRD)的患者患HCV感染的风险增加。与健康个体相比,慢性肾脏疾病患者通常显示出免疫反应受损,以及与治疗和管理有关的其他危险因素。 CKD患者最终要接受终末期肾脏治疗,如透析治疗和生存。感染的危险因素在透析阶段要比透析前阶段多。与其他发展中国家一样,CKD HCV感染患者在我国非常普遍。因此,应该在透析之前对CKD患者进行正确的诊断,以了解其感染状况,这将有助于患者和医生选择正确的治疗方法。目的:本横断面研究旨在了解CKD中HCV感染的患病率。材料与方法:纳入本研究的对象,共197名开始透析治疗前的慢性肾病五期(CKD-V)患者。在CKD患者中,检测到抗HCV可以看到丙型肝炎病毒感染的流行。还对患者的HBsAg进行了测试,以评估合并感染。收集不同测试结果的所有数据后,使用SPSS 15.0版进行分析。结果:本研究中有195例(99%)患者抗HCV阴性,只有2例(1%)阳性。透析前应考虑CKD患者,以使HCV阴性的CKD患者在透析期间不会感染,应采取标准的筛查程序以防止感染传播.J Enam Med Col 2017; 7(1):20-24



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