>: style='font-family:''> style='font-family:Verdana;'>The psoriasis is one of the inflammatory dermatoses with unknown etiology, with chronic evolution ha'/> Retrospective Study of 23 Cases of Psoriasis Association with HIV Infection Observed in the Department of Dermatology-STD in the University Hospital of Donka Conakry Guinea
首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications >Retrospective Study of 23 Cases of Psoriasis Association with HIV Infection Observed in the Department of Dermatology-STD in the University Hospital of Donka Conakry Guinea

Retrospective Study of 23 Cases of Psoriasis Association with HIV Infection Observed in the Department of Dermatology-STD in the University Hospital of Donka Conakry Guinea




>Introduction style="font-family:Verdana;"> >: style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">The psoriasis is one of the inflammatory dermatoses with unknown etiology, with chronic evolution having episodic appearance and disappearance. Its prevalence in HIV patients varied from 2% to 5% in most of the times. Objective of this study was to describe the demographic, clinical and therapeutic characteristics of psoriasis patients infected with HIV. style="font-family:Verdana;">Methods style="font-family:Verdana;">: style="font-family:Verdana;"> It is a descriptive retrospective study done from January 2003 to December 2013 based on the information from the hospital card of hospitalized patients and outpatients taken care in the department of Dermatology-STD for psoriasis at the University hospital center in Donka Conakry. We included all the cases of psoriasis associated with HIV infection diagnosed from clinical and paraclinical elements. style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">Results style="font-family:Verdana;">: style="font-family:Verdana;"> We recorded 23 (24.73%) cases of psoriasis associated with HIV infection among 93 patients observed for psoriasis in which style="font-family:Verdana;">there are style="font-family:Verdana;">4 cases of psoriasis vulgaris, 10 cases of erythrodermic psoriasis and 9 cases of arthropathic form among these numbers. We had 7 women and 16 men. The medium age of our patients was 44.5 ± 12 years style="font-family:Verdana;">[ style="font-family:Verdana;">27 - 62 years style="font-family:Verdana;">] style="font-family:Verdana;">. The delayed duration time of consultation varied from 30 to more than 180 days. The psoriasis was the circumstance of the discovery of the HIV infection among 55% of cases. The pruritus was the functional sign style="font-family:Verdana;">which is style="font-family:Verdana;">the most frequent in 20 cases among 23 cases and 71.4% of cases were accompanied with pain. Family history was found in 7.10% of cases. Anxiety was the dominant factor cause in 42% and the infection 38%. The cutaneous alteration was noted in all patients; 92.9% of patients had nails alteration and intertrigineous association in 78.6% of cases. The clinical forms found w style="font-family:Verdana;">ere style="font-family:Verdana;"> psoriasis vulgaris 4/23 cases, arthropathic psoriasis 9/23 cases, erythrodermic psoriasis 10/23. More than half (13/23) cases of our patients were diagnosed stage III of the classification of WHO. The complicated form style="font-family:Verdana;">s style="font-family:Verdana;"> like erythrodermic and arthropathic psoriasis were frequent in patients whose total CD4 < 350 cells/μl about 65%. The most frequently encounte style="font-family:Verdana;">red style="font-family:Verdana;"> co-morbidity was tuberculosis (9 cases). The use of traditional therapeutic means was noted in 50% of cases. The local treatment was based on dermocorticoid and keratolylic drugs. The general treatment received by all patients was antiretroviral medication and Methotrexate. style="font-family:""> style="font-family:Verdana;">Discussion style="font-family:Verdana;">: style="font-family:Verdana;">Our results are of course not representing all the cases of psoriasis in Guinea but it gives us an idea of the importance of HIV and psoriasis association and the influence of immunodepressi style="font-family:Verdana;">on style="font-family:Verdana;"> inducted by HIV during the evolution of psoriasis. The demographic, clinical and therapeutic
机译:>简介 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”> >: style =“ font-family:”“> style =”银屑病是一种病因不明的炎症性皮肤病之一,其慢性演变具有偶发的外观和消失,在艾滋病毒患者中的流行率在大多数时候从2%到5%不等。 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>方法 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>: style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>这是一项基于2003年1月至2013年12月的描述性回顾性研究,基于位于唐卡·科纳克里大学医院中心的皮肤病性病科门诊的住院患者和门诊病人的牛皮纸,其中包括了所有与艾滋病毒有关的牛皮癣病例 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family:Verdana;“>结果 < / b> style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>: style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>我们记录了93例与HIV感染有关的牛皮癣病例23例(24.73%) style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>有 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>有4例寻常型牛皮癣,10例这些病例中有9例为关节病性形式。我们有7位女性和16位男性。我们患者的中等年龄为44.5±12岁 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”> [ style =“ font-family:Verdana;”> 27-62岁 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>] style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>。延迟的咨询时间从30天到超过180天不等。牛皮癣是在55%的病例中发现HIV感染的情况。瘙痒是功能性征兆 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>是 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>在23例患者中,最常见的是23例病例和71.4%的病例伴有疼痛。在7.10%的病例中发现了家族史。焦虑是导致感染的主要因素,占42%,感染占38%。所有患者均出现皮肤改变; 92.9%的患者有指甲改变和三叉间关联,占78.6%的病例。 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”> ere style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>寻常型牛皮癣4/23例,关节病性牛皮癣9 / 23例,红皮病性牛皮癣10/23。我们患者中超过一半(13/23)的病例被诊断为WHO分类的III期。复杂形式 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”> s style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>在总CD4的患者中经常出现红皮病和关节病性牛皮癣<350个细胞/μl约占65%。 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>红色 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>最常见的合并症是结核病(9例)。在50%的病例中注意到使用传统治疗手段。局部治疗基于皮质类固醇和角质层药物。所有患者接受的一般治疗是抗逆转录病毒药物和甲氨蝶呤。 style =“ font-family:”“> style =” font-family:Verdana;“>讨论 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>: style =“ font-family:Verdana;”>我们的结果是当然并不能代表几内亚的所有牛皮癣病例,但可以使我们对艾滋病毒和牛皮癣的关联以及免疫抑制的影响 style =“ font-family:Verdana;”> > style =“ font-family:Verdana;”> HIV在牛皮癣演变过程中被诱发。人口统计,临床和治疗



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