首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics >Formulation and Evalution of Levamisole Niosomes by using Sonication method

Formulation and Evalution of Levamisole Niosomes by using Sonication method




Niosomes or non- ionic surfactants vesicles are one of the many different carriers for transporting a drug molecule to its site of action. Niosomes are vesicular system similar to liposomes that can be used for amphiphilic and lipophilic drugs. Niosomes are biocompatible, biodegradable, non- immunogenic and exhibit flexibility. Niosomes has been widely used for controlled release drug delivery system. Niosomes can entrap both hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs. Niosomes are chemically stable drug delivery systems. Niosomes are biocompatible, biodegradable, non- immunogenic and exhibit flexibility in structure. Niosomes have been widely used for controlled drug delivery system. They have been prepared with different ratios of surfactants and cholesterol and their properties have been determined by scanning electron microscopy. There are five batches of Levamisole niosomal preparations were prepared by changing the surfactant concentration but keeping the cholesterol concentration constant. The surfactant used Span40 and the five batches of niosomal preparations in the ratios of 1:1:1, 1:2:1, 1:3:1, 1:4:1 and 1:5:1 (Surfactant: cholesterol: drug). Furthermore, the release profiles, entrapment efficiency, size distribution and stability of these niosomes under various temperatures were studied. Niosomes were prepared using Span40 by using sonication method. The test changes in the characteristics of the liposomes.



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