首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants >Growth and Accumulation of Five Main Bioactive Components in the Roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza at Different Growth Stages and Using Different Culture Systems

Growth and Accumulation of Five Main Bioactive Components in the Roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza at Different Growth Stages and Using Different Culture Systems




To Growth and accumulation of five main bioactive components in the roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza at different growth stages and using different culture systems. We analyzed growth parameters and the accumulation of selected bioactive components in Salvia miltiorrhiza that was grown in quartz sand-pot (hydroponic culture), soil-pot, and field culture systems at 3 growth stages (flower, root swelling, and mature). The highest bioactive compound concentrations (danshensu (DSS), 0.618 mg·g~(-1); salvianolic acid B (SAB), 52.5 mg·g~(-1); cryptotanshinone (CTS), 0.617 mg·g~(-1); tanshinone II A (TSIIA), 1.11 mg·g~(-1); and total tanshinone (TTS), 2.5 mg·g~(-1), at the mature stage) were present in the roots of plants grown in the hydroponic culture system. These concentrations were significantly higher than those of plants grown in the field system. The highest values for root parameters (longest root length (LRL), 46.72 cm; largest root diameter (LRD), 14.68 mm; and the number of roots per plant (RN), 9.56), plant biomass (shoot dry weight (SDW), 18.9 g·plant~(-1); root dry weight (RDW), 19.6 g·plant~(-1), at the mature stage), and yield (DSS, 8.36 mg·plant~(-1); SAB, 657 mg·plant~(-1); CTS, 7.95 mg·plant~(-1); TSIIA, 15.2 mg·plant~(-1); and TTS, 30.7 mg·plant~(-1), at the mature stage) were obtained from plants grown in the field system. Plants grown in the field culture system had significantly greater plant biomass and higher yields of bioactive compounds than plants grown in the quartz sand-pot (hydroponic culture) and soil-pot systems. Greenhouse hydroponic culture provides sufficient bioactive compound accumulation in the roots, but does not stimulate plant growth and root production. Therefore, the field system could greatly improve plant growth and root production in S. miltiorrhiza.
机译:在不同生长阶段和使用不同培养系统的情况下,丹参中五种主要生物活性成分的生长和积累。我们分析了丹参中生长参数和所选生物活性成分的积累,该丹参在石英砂锅(水培培养),土壤锅和田间培养系统中的三个生长阶段(花,根肿胀和成熟)生长。最高生物活性化合物浓度(丹参素(DSS)为0.618 mg·g〜(-1);丹酚酸B(SAB)为52.5 mg·g〜(-1);隐丹参酮(CTS)为0.617 mg·g〜(- 1);生长的植物根中存在丹参酮II A(TSIIA)1.11 mg·g〜(-1);总丹参酮(TTS)2.5 mg·g〜(-1),处于成熟阶段在水培培养系统中。这些浓度显着高于田间系统中生长的植物。根系参数的最大值(最长根系长度(LRL)为46.72 cm;最大根系直径(LRD)为14.68 mm;每株植物的根数(RN)为9.56),植物生物量(茎干重(SDW)) ,18.9 g·植物〜(-1);根干重(RDW),19.6 g·植物〜(-1),成熟期)和产量(DSS,8.36 mg·植物〜(-1); SAB分别为657 mg·plant〜(-1),CTS,7.95 mg·plant〜(-1),TSIAA 15.2 mg·plant〜(-1)和TTS 30.7 mg·plant〜(-1)。成熟阶段)是从田间系统中生长的植物中获得的。与在石英砂锅(水培)和土壤锅系统中生长的植物相比,在田间培养系统中生长的植物具有明显更高的植物生物量和更高的生物活性化合物产量。温室水培栽培可在根部提供足够的生物活性化合物积累,但不会刺激植物生长和根系生产。因此,该田间系统可以极大地改善丹参的植物生长和根系生产。



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