首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business & Financial Affairs >Engaging an Age-Diverse Workplace: Revisiting a Business Opportunity and Challenge

Engaging an Age-Diverse Workplace: Revisiting a Business Opportunity and Challenge




Diversity is an important component of business success, contributing to “quality decision making” [1] as well as the flexibility, adaptability, and innovation so necessary to global competitiveness [2]. While diversity in the workplace is not new, it is becoming a topic of increasing importance as the cost and benefit of recruiting and retaining qualified personnel that can work together, as well as understand and respect each other, is becoming increasingly clear: “With demographic shifts, advances in technology and communications, and globalization, diversity is quickly becoming a driver of growth around the world” [3]. Workplace diversity is fast becoming a competitive advantage. Age is one version of diversity that has become particularly important in a workplace now representing four generations [4-6]. With Baby Boomers often choosing to stay in the workforce and the increased workforce participation of Generation Y, there are many different age cohorts working together [7]. With businesses facing the challenges and opportunities of managing across the generations, a body of literature has emerged that presents an alarmist picture marked by such headings as “Generational Divide” [8]; “Four Generations- One Workplace - Can We All Work Together?” [9] “Coddled, confident, and cocky: The Challenges of Managing Gen Y” [10]; “Bridging the Divide” [11]; and “Young, old, and in-between: Can we all get along?”[12]. Although increasingly businesses are working to realize their diversity advantage by addressing cultural and communications differences across the generations, they remain hampered by poorly conceived diversity programs [13]. Here in the context of an open access journal, we share some conceptual tools for learning across our differences to rethink the hyperbole and better celebrate age diversity. We focus on how and why communications is overlooked, how it has remained peripheral despite claims about its centrality to business success, and how it may be better integrated in the effective management of an age-diverse workforce.
机译:多样性是业务成功的重要组成部分,有助于“质量决策” [1]以及为全球竞争力所必需的灵活性,适应性和创新性[2]。尽管工作场所的多样性并不是什么新鲜事物,但随着招聘和保留可以一起工作以及相互理解和相互尊重的合格人员的成本和收益变得越来越清晰,它已成为越来越重要的话题:变革,技术和通信的进步以及全球化,多样性正在迅速成为全球增长的驱动力” [3]。工作场所的多样性正在迅速成为一种竞争优势。年龄是多样性的一种形式,在代表四代人的工作场所中变得尤为重要[4-6]。随着婴儿潮一代经常选择留在劳动力中,并且随着Y代劳动者参与度的增加,有许多不同年龄段的人一起工作[7]。随着企业面临跨代管理的挑战和机遇,涌现出大量文献,以“世代鸿沟”为标题,显示出令人震惊的画面[8]; “四代人-一个工作场所-我们都可以一起工作吗?” [9]“亲切,自信和自大:管理Y世代的挑战” [10]; “弥合鸿沟” [11];和“年轻人,老人和中间人:我们都能相处吗?” [12]。尽管越来越多的企业正在努力通过解决各代人之间的文化和传播差异来实现其多样性优势,但它们仍然受到构思不佳的多样性计划的阻碍[13]。在这里,在开放获取期刊的背景下,我们共享一些概念工具来学习我们之间的差异,以重新思考夸张并更好地庆祝年龄的多样性。我们专注于如何以及为什么忽略沟通,尽管声称其对业务成功的重要性,但如何保持沟通的边缘性,以及如何更好地将其整合到有效管理年龄多样化的员工队伍中。



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