首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Medicine >The Evidence of Hyperinflation on Chest X Ray and its Correlation with Air Flow Obstruction in COPD Patients

The Evidence of Hyperinflation on Chest X Ray and its Correlation with Air Flow Obstruction in COPD Patients




Introduction: According to the latest statistical and epidemiological studies, COPD will become the fourth leading cause of death in 2030 worldwide. Scientists are studying on methods to diagnose COPD in the patients in early stages, because it is a curable and preventable disease in early stages. In this study, evidences of hyperinflation on CXR of COPD patients were compared with pulmonary function test (PFT) finding. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 100 patients who were referred to the pulmonary clinic with symptoms of chronic cough and dyspnea. After taking history and performing physical examination, demographic information, history of smoking and bakery and frequency of exacerbations were recorded. Standard spirometry was performed and the severity of COPD was determined by GOLD (Global initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung Disease) staging. Additionally, they underwent CXR examination (PA and lateral). Collected data were analyzed in SPSS ver. 18. Results: In this study, there were 79 male and 21 female. .. . . The patients, 64% of whom were urban and 36% were rural dwellers. There was significant correlation between FEF50%predict with sterno-diafragmatic angle and retro-sternal lucency (p=0.01, r=-0.26 and p=0.01, r=-0.25 respectively). Also there were significant correlations between the FEV1/FVC with retro-sternal lucency (p=0.006, r=-0.27) and FEV1%predict with sterno-diaphragmatic angle (p=0.002, r=-0.31). Conclusion: The study showed some evidences of lung hyperinflation on CXR which significantly associated with PFT parameters. Sterno-diaphragmatic angle and retro-sternal lucency can be used to predict the severity of airway obstruction in patients with COPD, although the CXR finding cannot be substituted for PFT and CT data.
机译:简介:根据最新的统计和流行病学研究,COPD将成为2030年全球第四大死亡原因。科学家正在研究早期诊断COPD的方法,因为它是早期可治愈且可预防的疾病。在这项研究中,将COPD患者CXR过度充气的证据与肺功能测试(PFT)发现进行了比较。资料和方法:这项横断面研究是针对100名转诊至肺部诊所且患有慢性咳嗽和呼吸困难症状的患者进行的。在进行病史检查和身体检查后,记录了人口统计信息,吸烟和面包店的病史以及病情加重的频率。进行标准肺活量测定,并通过GOLD(全球慢性阻塞性肺疾病倡议)分期确定COPD的严重程度。此外,他们接受了CXR检查(PA和侧面)。收集的数据在SPSS ver。 18.结果:在这项研究中,男性79位,女性21位。 .. 。这些患者中,有64%是城市居民,而36%是农村居民。 FEF50%预测与胸骨fra骨角和胸骨后清扫度之间存在显着相关性(分别为p = 0.01,r = -0.26和p = 0.01,r = -0.25)。胸骨后透明的FEV1 / FVC(p = 0.006,r = -0.27)与胸骨-肌角的FEV1%预测(p = 0.002,r = -0.31)之间也存在显着相关性。结论:该研究显示了一些证据表明肺部CXR过度充气与PFT参数显着相关。尽管CXR的发现不能代替PFT和CT数据,但Sterno rag肌角和胸骨后清扫术可用于预测COPD患者的气道阻塞严重程度。



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