首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering >Classification of femoral neck fractures according to pauwels: interpretation and confusion ——Reinterpretation: a simplified classification based on mechanical considerations

Classification of femoral neck fractures according to pauwels: interpretation and confusion ——Reinterpretation: a simplified classification based on mechanical considerations




ABSTRACT The Pauwels Classification of femoral neck fractures, initially published in 1935, is used world-wide. Unfortunately, modern textbooks give varying angle and anatomic specifications between the classified fracture grades. This inconsistency is perpetuated in the literature, so that it is difficult to compare conclusions made by different authors. Pauwels himself left room for interpretation. He published two studies, one in 1935 and one in 1973, each including 3 diagrams. The 1935 version cited an angle of 8° representing the vector of static forces acting on the femoral head. The 1973 diagrams, however, cited an angle of 16° to represent dynamic forces, without changing the angle from horizontal. This already complex sche- me is complicated by the fact that it depends on other factors such as femoral neck shaft (CCD) angle, femoral neck and head diameter, and/or distance of the fracture from the center of the femoral head. The multitude of factors argues against a rigid classification based on fixed angles from horizontal. Pauwels himself did not establish fixed critical angles between the fracture grades. In his own explanation of the system, he placed more value on mechanical considerations such as compression stress, shear stress, tensile force, shearing force, and torque. We propose therefore a simplified version of the Pauwels Classification: Grade I for fractures impacted in valgus, Grade II for fractures without free torque, and Grade III for fractures with free torque.
机译:摘要股骨颈骨折的鲍威尔氏分类法最早发表于1935年,在世界范围内使用。不幸的是,现代教科书在分类的骨折等级之间给出了不同的角度和解剖学指标。这种矛盾在文献中一直存在,因此很难比较不同作者的结论。鲍威尔斯本人留下了解释的余地​​。他发表了两项研究,一项于1935年,一项于1973年,每项研究都包括3张图表。 1935年的版本引用了一个8°的角度,表示作用在股骨头上的静态力的向量。但是,1973年的图表中引用了一个16°的角度来表示动态力,而没有将其角度从水平方向更改。由于它取决于其他因素,例如股骨颈干轴(CCD)角度,股骨颈和头部直径和/或距股骨头中心的骨折距离,因此已经很复杂的方案变得复杂。众多因​​素都反对基于基于水平固定角度的严格分类。鲍威尔斯本人并未在骨折等级之间建立固定的临界角。在他自己对系统的解释中,他将更多的价值放在机械方面,例如压缩应力,剪切应力,拉力,剪切力和扭矩。因此,我们提出了Pauwels分类的简化版本:I级针对受外翻影响的骨折,II级针对无自由扭矩的骨折,III级针对有自由扭矩的骨折。



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