首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology >In vitro Antileishmanial Activity of Polygonum glabrum Stem Extract on Leishmania tropica (KWH23) Strain

In vitro Antileishmanial Activity of Polygonum glabrum Stem Extract on Leishmania tropica (KWH23) Strain




Aims: The aim of current study is to evaluate the Polygonum glabrum aqueous extract for anti-leishmanial activity, with the hope to find less expensive and common drug for this neglected disease. Study Design: In vitro Susceptibility of Leishmania tropica . Place and Duration of Study: After Polygonum glabrum collection from District Mardan, further work was carried out in Parasitology Laboratory, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan from May 2013 to October 2013. Methodology: Soxhlet apparatus was used for plant extraction followed by rotary evaporator to remove the solvent. Various concentrations of the plant extract were made. The flat bottoms 96 well ELISA plate was used for antileishmanial assay, amphotericin B was taken as positive control. The morphology and number of the promastigotes were monitored after each 24 hours. The LC50/90 was calculated using SPSS version 21. Results: After 72 hours of incubation at 25±oC promising results were shown by P. glabrum . The percent mortality recorded at different concentration (0.05 ug/ml, 0.5 ug/ml, 5 ug/ml, 50 ug/ml, and 500ug/ml) were ( 4.23±0.68, 19.16±0.56, 40.5±0.05, 68.1±0.76 and 100±0.00% ) respectively. The LC50, LC90 and R2 values find out for the assay were 7.25 ug/ml, 227.4ug/ml and 0.97 ug/ml. In comparison, the percent mortality shown by amphotericin B were 30.27±0.54, 45.12±1.10, 80.87±1.78, 100±0.00 and 100±0.00 with 0.35 ug/ml, 9.49 ug/ml and 0.91 values of LC50, LC90 and R2 respectively. The negative control has zero mortality. Conclusion: The current investigation reveals that Polygonum glabrum extract possess activity against Lesihmania tropica . As crude form of P. glabrum extract showed promising antileishmanial results, P. glabrum and other members of the family need further investigation so that the pure bioactive antileishmanial compounds should be isolated with cost effective, promising results and less side effects.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是评估何首乌水提物的抗利什曼原虫活性,希望找到便宜和普通的药物来治疗这种被忽视的疾病。研究设计:热带利什曼原虫的体外药敏性。研究的地点和时间:从马尔丹地区收集何首乌后,于2013年5月至2013年10月在巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡的Quaid-i-Azam大学寄生虫学实验室进行了进一步的工作。旋转蒸发仪去除溶剂。制备了各种浓度的植物提取物。将平底96孔ELISA板用于抗霉菌测定,以两性霉素B作为阳性对照。每24小时监测前鞭毛体的形态和数量。 LC 50/90 是使用SPSS 21版计算的。结果:在25±oC下孵育72小时后,麦草显示了有希望的结果。在不同浓度(0.05 ug / ml,0.5 ug / ml,5 ug / ml,50 ug / ml和500ug / ml)下记录的死亡率百分比为(4.23±0.68、19.16±0.56、40.5±0.05、68.1±0.76和100±0.00%)。测得的LC 50 ,LC 90 和R 2 值分别为7.25 ug / ml,227.4ug / ml和0.97 ug / ml毫升相比之下,两性霉素B显示的死亡率百分比分别为30.27±0.54、45.12±1.10、80.87±1.78、100±0.00和100±0.00,其中LC 50 <0.3> ug / ml,9.49 ug / ml和0.91 / sub>,LC 90 和R 2 。阴性对照的死亡率为零。结论:目前的研究表明,何首乌提取物具有抗热带Lesihmania的活性。由于粗粉青霉提取物的粗制形式显示出令人信服的抗霉菌作用,因此,需进一步研究白霉菌和该家族的其他成员,以便分离具有成本效益,有希望的结果且副作用较小的纯生物活性的抗霉菌化合物。



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