首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare >Effect of Weed Management Methods on the Growth and Yield of Ginger in Jimma, Ethiopia

Effect of Weed Management Methods on the Growth and Yield of Ginger in Jimma, Ethiopia




A field experiment was carried out at Jimma Agricultural Research Center to determine the best weeding practice for ginger under Jimma condition. The experiment was carried out between 2010 and 2011 cropping seasons.Ginger was subjected to nine weeding regimes using randomized complete block design with three replications The treatments were: hand weeding at 30,60,90,120,150 & 180 days after planting, hand weeding at 45,75,105,135 &165 days after planting, hand weeding at 60,90,120,& 150 days after planting, mulching at planting followed by hand weeding at 45 and 75 days after planting, mulching at planting followed by hand weeding at 60 and 90 days after planting, hand weeding at 30 and60 days after planting followed by mulching once followed by one hand weeding as needed, hand weeding at 45 and 75 days after planting followed by mulching once followed by one hand weeding as needed, weed free and weedy controls. The result showed that the major weeds recorded were: Cynodon spp., Cyprus spp., Digitaria spp./ Commelina spp., Bidens pilosa, and Ageratum conyzoides. The result also reveled that ginger rhizome yield was highly significantly (p<0.1) affected by weeding regimes in both years that as hand weeding frequency increased ginger yield also increased. The result reveled that one early hand weeding applied between 30 and 45 days after planting was critical for high yield of ginger. When the first hand weeding was delayed up to 60 days from planting yield of ginger was reduced tremendously. However, the result showed that by mulching ginger at planting the first hand weeding can be delayed up to 60 days without yield being affected. Mulching ginger at planting followed by two hand weeding at 60 and 90 days gave similar yield compared with the weed free treatment where plots were kept free of any weed growth and the most frequently weeded treatment with six hand weeding frequencies. Similarly, hand weeding at 30 and 60 days followed by mulching once also gave comparable yield with the weed free treatment. In addition, the result also revealed that mulching at planting enhanced the fast germination and emergence of ginger compared with none mulched ginger. On the other hand, the result also showed that ginger was poor competitor of weed competition that ginger growth was affected as hand weeding was delayed beyond 30 days after planting. The highest weed biomass was recorded from the control treatment and when weeding was totally ignored yield reduction as a result of uncontrolled weed growth amounted 100 % under Jimma condition
机译:在吉马农业研究中心进行了田间试验,以确定吉马条件下生姜的最佳除草方法。该实验在2010年至2011年的种植季节之间进行。生姜经过九次除草方案,采用随机完整区组设计,重复三次,进行了以下处理:种植后30、60、90、120、150和180天进行手工除草,种植45天进行手工除草,种植后75,105,135和165天,在种植后60,90,120和150天进行手工除草,在种植时覆盖,在种植后45和75天进行手工除草,在种植后覆盖,然后在种植后60和90天进行手工除草,播种后30和60天除草,一次覆盖,然后根据需要一只手除草,播种后45和75天,除草一次,然后根据需要一只手除草,除草并除草。结果表明,记录的主要杂草为:犬齿草属,塞浦路斯种,Digitaria属/ Commelina属,Bidens pilosa和Ageratum conyzoides。该结果还表明,在过去的两年中,姜根茎产量均受到除草方式的显着影响(p <0.1),这是因为随着手除草频率的提高,姜的产量也随之增加。结果表明,在种植后30到45天之间进行一次早期人工除草对于姜的高产量至关重要。当第一手除草推迟至播种后60天时,生姜的产量将大大降低。但是,结果表明,通过在种植时覆盖生姜,第一手除草可以推迟60天,而不会影响产量。与无杂草处理相比,在种植地上覆盖姜,然后在60天和90天用两只手除草,可得到相似的产量,在无杂草处理中,地块没有任何杂草生长,并且是最常见的六次除草频率的杂草处理。同样,在30天和60天进行手工除草,然后覆盖一次,与无杂草处理相比,产量也相当。此外,该结果还表明,与没有覆盖的生姜相比,在种植地覆盖提高了生姜的快速发芽和出苗率。另一方面,结果还表明,生姜是杂草竞争的较差竞争者,因为人工除草被推迟到种植后30天,因此生姜的生长受到影响。对照处理记录了最高的杂草生物量,而在吉马条件下,由于杂草生长不受控制,杂草的产量降低了100%,而完全忽略了杂草的产量下降



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