首页> 外文期刊>Journal of athletic training >Phasic Electrodermal Activity During the Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC)

Phasic Electrodermal Activity During the Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC)




Context: The long-term effects of concussion on brain function during cognitive tasks are not fully understood and neuroimaging findings are equivocal. Some images show hyperactivation of prefrontal brain regions in previously concussed individuals relative to controls, suggesting increased cognitive resource allocation. Others show prefrontal hypoactivation and hyperactivation in other regions as a presumed compensatory mechanism. Given the relationship between sympathetic arousal and neural activation, physiologic measures of arousal, such as electrodermal activity, may provide additional insight into the brain's functional changes in those with a history of concussion. Objective: To quantify differences in electrodermal activity during a commonly used standardized neurocognitive assessment between individuals with or without a history of concussion. Design: Descriptive laboratory study. Setting: Research laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Seven asymptomatic individuals with a self-reported history of physician-diagnosed, sport-related concussion (number of previous concussions = 1.43 ± 0.53; time since most recent concussion = 0.75 to 6 years, median = 3 years) and 10 individuals without a history of concussion participated in this study. Main Outcome Measure(s): All participants wore bilateral wrist electrodermal activity sensors during the Standardized Assessment of Concussion. We measured normalized phasic (reactive) electrodermal activity during each test element (orientation, immediate recall, concentration, delayed recall). Results: A significant group-by-test element interaction was present (P = .003). Individuals with a history of concussion had greater phasic activity during delayed recall (P < .001). Delayed-recall phasic activity was greater in both groups relative to the other elements. Conclusions: Delayed recall resulted in greater physiologic arousal in previously concussed individuals relative to healthy control participants, supporting previous neuroimaging findings of increased prefrontal cortex activity during memory tasks after concussion. Given similar task performance and arousal patterns across the test, our results suggest that previously concussed individuals incur additional cognitive demands in a short-delay recall task.
机译:背景:脑震荡对认知任务期间脑功能的长期影响尚不完全清楚,神经影像学检查结果尚不清楚。一些图像显示相对于对照,先前脑震荡的个体中前额脑区域的过度激活,提示认知资源分配增加。其他人则将其他区域的前额叶过度激活和过度激活视为一种推测的补偿机制。考虑到交感唤醒和神经激活之间的关系,唤醒的生理学指标(例如皮肤电活动)可能会为患有脑震荡史的人的大脑功能变化提供更多见解。目的:在有或没有脑震荡史的个体之间,在常用的标准化神经认知评估中,量化皮肤电活动的差异。设计:描述性实验室研究。地点:研究实验室。患者或其他参与者:七个无症状的患者,他们自我报告了医生诊断的与运动有关的脑震荡史(以前的脑震荡数= 1.43±0.53;最近一次脑震荡以来的时间= 0.75至6年,中位数= 3年),并且10名无脑震荡史的人参加了这项研究。主要观察指标:在脑震荡标准化评估中,所有参与者均佩戴了双侧腕部皮肤电活动传感器。我们在每个测试元件(方向,立即召回,集中,延迟召回)期间测量了标准化的相(反应性)皮肤电活动。结果:存在显着的按组分组的交互作用(P = 0.003)。有脑震荡史的人在延迟回忆期间具有较大的阶段性活动(P <.001)。相对于其他元素,两组的延迟召回相活动都更大。结论:相对于健康对照组,延迟的回忆使先前受到脑震荡的个体的生理唤醒度更高,支持了先前的脑成像发现脑震荡后记忆任务期间前额叶皮质活动增加的神经影像学发现。考虑到整个测试中类似的任务表现和唤醒方式,我们的结果表明,先前受到脑震荡的人在短时延迟的回忆任务中会产生额外的认知需求。



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