首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Animal Research >Analysis of culling records and estimation of genetic parameters for longevity and some production traits in Holstein dairy cattle

Analysis of culling records and estimation of genetic parameters for longevity and some production traits in Holstein dairy cattle




ABSTRACT We used data collected on 48,739 cows from 1982 to 2013 from Foka farm in the Isfahan province of Iran to assess the reasons for culling in Iranian Holstein dairy cattle in the context of breeding values of economic traits, and also to study the relationship between longevity and production traits. Estimation of (co)variance components and genetic parameters for studied traits including MY, FY, herd life (HL) and length of production life (LPL) was by AI-REML algorithm in WOMBAT software. The results showed that 27.11% of cows were culled voluntarily under the farmers?¢???? command. The number and reasons for culling animals varied considerably over the years. Also, the results showed that involuntarily culled animals were valuable with significantly higher breeding values for MY and FY ( P ?¢????
机译:摘要我们使用了1982年至2013年从伊朗伊斯法罕省Foka农场收集的48,739头奶牛的数据,来评估在经济性状育种价值背景下淘汰伊朗荷斯坦奶牛的原因,并研究长寿之间的关系。和生产特性。通过WOMBAT软件中的AI-REML算法,估算了研究性状(包括MY,FY,畜群寿命(HL)和生产寿命(LPL))的(共)方差成分和遗传参数。结果表明,有27.11%的奶牛是自愿被农民淘汰的。命令。多年来,扑杀动物的数量和原因相差很大。而且,结果表明,与非自愿剔除个体相比,非自愿剔除动物对MY和FY的育种值具有显着更高的价值(P =(0.01)<?<=>。0.000)。长寿性状(HL和LPL)的遗传力估计值较低(0.11和0.09),但它们与生产性状的遗传相关性较高且呈正相关(0.63×0.70)。我们的结果表明,伊朗荷斯坦牛的脂肪和牛奶产量的遗传改良可能存在一些机会。



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