首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied science & environmental management: JASEM >Evaluation of Some Metals Content and Physicochemical Properties of Some Major Rivers as Sources of Irrigation Water in Mid-Benue Trough

Evaluation of Some Metals Content and Physicochemical Properties of Some Major Rivers as Sources of Irrigation Water in Mid-Benue Trough




Irrigation Water were sampled from some major rivers in the mid-section of Benue Trough for twoconsecutive years, 2011 and 2012 and analysed for some metals contents and physicochemical properties. The resultsshowed that irrigation water were slightly (pH 6.5) to moderately (pH 5.5) acidic and good for irrigation withminimal or no liming. Very low pH delays nutrients uptake by plants and therefore plant metabolism. Levels of totalsoluble salts, Mg2+, Ca2+, Na+ and K-were within the acceptable limits for irrigation water. Salinity of water waslow and ranged from 0.00 to 0.05 dsm-1with EC from 64.30 to 104.50 μmhos which falls below the upper limit ofstandard for irrigation water (2,000 μmhos). Total suspended solids concentrations were from 9.00 to 13.00 mgl-1.These ranges are relatively low to medium compared to the standard limits and may pose no harm or threat to plantsirrigated or cause damage to pumps if screens are not used to exclude them. The anions: NO3-, HCO3-, CO32-, Cl- SO42-levels were however less than the upper limit for irrigation water. Therefore, the waters were highly suitablefor irrigation without improvement. Trace elements were 0.44 to 0.93 mgl-1for Fe, 0.03 to 0.12 mgl-1 for Mn, 10.00 to 14.00 mgl-1for Cd, 3.00 to 5.00 mgl-1 for Pb and 0.25 to 0.45 mgl-1for B (maximum application rates should notexceed that which allows normal crop growth as plant uptake is so small). In general terms therefore, qualities ofirrigation water in the study sites conformed to the specifications for irrigation water.
机译:连续两年(2011年和2012年)从Benue槽中段的一些主要河流采样了灌溉水,并分析了其中的一些金属含量和理化特性。结果表明,灌溉水呈弱酸性(pH 6.5)到中度(pH 5.5)酸性,对灌溉很少或没有石灰的情况均有利。极低的pH值会延迟植物吸收养分,从而延缓植物的新陈代谢。总可溶性盐,Mg2 +,Ca2 +,Na +和K-的含量在灌溉用水的可接受范围内。水的盐度较低,范围为0.00至0.05 dsm-1,EC为64.30至104.50μmhos,低于灌溉用水的标准上限(2,000μmhos)。悬浮物的总浓度为9.00至13.00 mgl-1。与标准限值相比,这些范围相对较低至中等,如果不使用滤网将其排除在外,可能不会对植物灌溉造成伤害或威胁,也不会损坏泵。但是,阴离子:NO3-,HCO3-,CO32-,Cl-SO42的含量低于灌溉用水的上限。因此,这些水非常适合灌溉而无需改善。痕量元素为:Fe 0.44至0.93 mgl-1,Mn 0.03至0.12 mgl-1,Cd 10.00至14.00 mgl-1,Pb 3.00至5.00 mgl-1,B 0.25至0.45 mgl-1(最大施用量不应超过由于植物的吸收量很小,因此可以使作物正常生长)。因此,总的来说,研究地点的灌溉水质量符合灌溉水规范。



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