首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development >Aging effect of two decade old technologies of bean stem maggot (Ophiomyia spp.) management options in Ethiopia: Baseline information generation for future research direction

Aging effect of two decade old technologies of bean stem maggot (Ophiomyia spp.) management options in Ethiopia: Baseline information generation for future research direction

机译:埃塞俄比亚有二十年历史的豆stem(Ophiomyia spp。)管理选择技术的老化效应:基线信息生成,为未来的研究方向



Haricot beans are the most important food and cash crop for most of the Ethiopian farmers. However, bean stem maggot (BSM) (Ophiomyia species) is limiting the production of the crop particularly in dry areas. Three species are involved in the infestation: Ophiomyia phaseoli, Ophiomyia spencerlla and Ophiomyia centrosematis. Two decades ago, two management options of BSM were developed and used for the last twenty years. However, there is a tendency of decline in effectiveness. Hence, the current experiment was conducted to see the age effect ?on the efficacy of BSM resistant varieties (Beshbesh and Melkae) and? high bean plant population density (400,000 plants ha-1) (narrow spacing). The experiments were conducted at Shalla (southern Ethiopia) and Omonada (Jimma). Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in three replications was used as the experimental design. The plot size was 10 m × 10 m. The experiment was conducted in 2014 and 2015. The treatments were BSM resistant varieties (Beshbesh and Melkae), high bean plant population, standard check (Awash-1) and Imdalem (seed dressing chemical). For plant population treatment and Imdalem 70% WS seed treatment a bean variety Awash-1 was used as a planting material. Data collected include stand count, seedling percent mortality by BSM, vigorously score, number of larva per plant and grain yield. The data were analyzed using SAS software and mean separation was done by Tukey Standardized Range Test (p<0.05). In all parameters measured, Melkae bean variety become susceptible to BSM and cannot be used any more as a resistant variety. From the result of the experiment, it can be concluded that Beshebeshe bean variety, high plant population and Imdalem seed dressing can be used as integrated management of BSM in Ethiopia in general and study sites in particular.
机译:扁豆是大多数埃塞俄比亚农民最重要的粮食和经济作物。但是,豆茎(BSM)(Ophiomyia种)限制了作物的生产,特别是在干旱地区。侵染涉及三种物种:菜豆蚜(Ophiomyia phaseoli),Spencerlla麦芽孢菌(Ophiomyia spencerlla)和百分草梨蚜(Ophiomyia centrosematis)。二十年前,在过去的二十年中开发并使用了两种BSM管理选项。但是,存在有效性降低的趋势。因此,目前的实验是为了观察年龄对BSM抗性品种(Beshbesh和Melkae)功效的影响。豆类植物密度高(400,000株ha-1)(狭窄的行距)。实验在埃塞俄比亚南部的Shalla和吉马的Omonada进行。实验设计采用三份重复的随机完全区组设计(RCBD)。地块大小为10 m×10 m。该实验于2014年和2015年进行。处理方法是抗BSM的品种(Beshbesh和Melkae),高豆类植物种群,标准对照(Awash-1)和Imdalem(种子拌种化学品)。对于植物种群处理和Imdalem 70%WS种子处理,使用了大豆品种Awash-1作为种植材料。收集的数据包括林分数量,通过BSM测出的幼苗死亡率,大力评分,单株幼虫数量和谷物产量。使用SAS软件分析数据,并通过Tukey标准化范围测试(p <0.05)进行平均分离。在所有测得的参数中,Melkae bean品种容易受到BSM的影响,因此不能再用作抗性品种。从实验结果可以得出结论,在埃塞俄比亚,特别是研究地点,Beshebeshe豆品种,高植物种群和Imdalem拌种可作为BSM的综合管理。



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